Chapter nineteen

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Hello my fellow readers! im so sorry it took me so long to upload this chapter i have been working on it quite hard but i have also been working on the ending of this story. For some reason i have become obsessed with writing the ending before i finish it :/ yeah im weird hahahaha i really really hope you have been enjoying this story and have been recommending it to others to read. please comment and follow! love you all!! MWUAH!!!


As we drove away from the police station I felt as if a huge weight was being pressed upon me. I could feel my eyelids begin to droop as the energy was sucked out of me making me wish I could sleep for a thousand years.

How could a man do that to his own flesh and blood? Cecile was warped and twisted; she somehow thought that it was right? No amount of therapy would be able to help her.

"He screwed up his own kids" I muttered before I even knew that I had something to say."How can he do that to his own kids? His own flesh and blood?" I asked not expecting an answer so instead I looked down at my own stomach with my baby growing within me and vowed I would protect her no matter what. I began to hum a wordless tune and I marvelled at the numb feeling that spread throughout my body.

What if my daughter found out about how she was conceived, found out about what and who her father was then hated me for bringing her into this world? What if she blamed me? Something wet hit my hand mid-stroke and I stopped to stare at it. It was a single tear yet my cheek didn’t even feel wet. I continued humming and ignored the new dampness on my hand.

“Take me home?” I whispered hoping Trinity could hear me.

That’s when I got lost in my thoughts. Cecile’s facial expression at me as she tried to dive across the table the pure hatred and jealously in her eyes. I had somehow caused that by being a victim yet we were both victims she just couldn’t see it.

Marvin was even more intriguing. He was smart, knew what to say and how to say it yet he had the leeriness that his father had but he claimed to want nothing to do with his father or what he had done. Maybe he could be saved? Maybe he didn’t need saving in the first place. He seemed genuinely saddened when he commented on what my father had done to me.

I couldn’t stop myself from wondering what had happened to him to make him drop off the map like that, what made him get into trouble the way that he did. I needed to know more about them. I needed to know more about the whole family because maybe then I would finally understand and come to terms with it.

The thought made me freeze since when wasn’t I okay? I lived a normal life, I was happy and healthy. There is nothing, nothing wrong with me at all.

Yeah keep telling yourself that.

My mind whispered and I bit my tongue to keep from arguing with myself out loud. I have a normal life with a bright future ahead of me, I tried to reassure myself but again that dark voice replied to me sarcastically.

Your eighteen, pregnant, with no colleges to go to, Trinity is leaving to New York and how long do you think she is going to love a girl who isn’t going to make anything of herself. You’re always going to be that girl. The one she needs to protect and look after, face the facts Daciana your nothing.

A sudden jolt had me realise that Trinity had in fact driven me home and I was safely in the driveway, I could taste blood from me biting my tongue and I was so close to tears I couldn’t even speak so instead I gave her a kiss and walked inside feeling both exhausted and angry.

When I got inside I calmly checked all the rooms of the house and found a note on the table saying that Camille had taken Lucas to the park then to the movies she would be home around seven thirty. I sighed in some form of relief and went to my room locking the door behind me then I pulled back the blanket got in with my shoes still on and just pulled the blanket back over my head.

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