Chapter two

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Hello my fellow wattpadians. this is my first wattpad story, but it is not the first story i have written! i tried a different writing style and thought that i would post it and see what you lovely people think. constructive criticism would be lovely. many comments. the more reviews i recieve the faster i will upload the next chapter, enjoy!! 


Waking up was surreal, yeah I understand that’s it’s a weird way to explain it.

I woke up with a feeling that something was going to happen today, I lay in bed for a few minutes just relishing in my dreams that I had of her.

Smiling I pulled back my blanket and got out of bed. That was when I realised the time. I had less than half an hour until I had to be at school meaning I had less than that to go pick up Trinity. I raced through my morning routine and within in ten minutes I was dressed and ready to go.

I grabbed my keys, grabbed my… shit where was my bag. I ran around my room looking for it. After another ten minutes of searching I gave up and left anyway. I needed to see Trinity. Wait where did that come from? I barely knew her.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I ran out of the house and backed out my driveway. Five minutes later I was out front of her house contemplating suicide. I’m joking honestly.

I was just suddenly very nervous and questioning my sanity. I had kissed her!

I was sitting there trying so hard to pucker up the courage to go up to the front door and knock that I didn’t notice that Trinity had already left and was waiting at my car door to notice me. That was until she knocked on my car window. I jumped so high I actually hit the roof. Rubbing my head moaning I leaned over and unlocked the door.

She climbed in then threw two bags in the back. I smiled.

“You had my bag! Oh thank hell! I thought I had lost it; I spent ages looking for it. I was actually really worried that I wouldn’t be able to see you this morning I was running so-“I stopped my babbling suddenly. Trinity was sitting looking at me and I was captivated by her beauty.

Her hair was in a pony tail with curls on either side like she couldn’t tame it, yeah it made sense red hair equals untameable that thought had my heart pounding, a blush up my cheeks and a few images I didn’t know I even had in my brain.

She was wearing a top with the triquetra on the front. It was a tank top showing off her gorgeous arms. She wore grey jeans that hugged her legs. Ok I admit it; it made me drop my jaw in an O shape. I was totally awestruck; I made my eyes travel back up her body and looked into her eyes. She had purple bags under them like she hadn’t slept.

Was that because of me? Oh hell did I cause her not to sleep because of the kiss?

“Good morning” she smiled; I could see the fatigue in her eyes but also happiness, excitement and nervousness. I grinned at her.

“Hey, morning yourself.” I pulled out onto the road and began driving to my favourite café.

“How did you sleep?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the road.

“I didn’t sleep; after you left I decided to paint, by time I come out of my zone the sun was rising. I had enough time to shower and change before I heard your car pull up.”

“Fair enough” I mumbled. Yeah I know pathetic but what else was I supposed to say, oh right.

“How did the painting turn out?” I asked she looked away quickly. “You don’t have to answer that” I quickly added, jeez I was making a mess of things. It’s because I’m nervous.

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