Chapter eighteen

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Hello my fellow Wattpadians, Firstly i am so, so, so, so very sorry that i havent uploaded in so long. life became quite complicated for a while. I had boyfriend drama who wasnt supportive of my writing even though he was a writer himself and i found myself once again changing for the guy rather than them accepting me for who i am needless to say he is now an ex and i am finding myself again and what better way that to write. it took me three days for this chapter when it used to take me one but im happy to say i am back! expect the next chapter by the third of june which is my twentieth birthday! but enough about me. 

vote, comment, pass it along! Enjoy!!  Love you all!!


After everyone left Trinity and I went into her bedroom and just cuddled up on the bed.

“Are you scared?” Trinity asked tracing the sides of my stomach that wasn’t cut up.

“About which part?” I sighed contently and hugged her closer.

“Giving birth, being a mum, moving to New York” I smiled against her shoulder before giving it a peck.

“I’m terrified of all of it. I’m scared that I won’t be able to protect her, the way I wasn’t protected and well I’m just scared” she turned her head and I kissed her lips they were soft and welcoming just as they always were.

“Five days” she whispered and I nodded. Six until she left, seven until court, eight until I followed her.

It wasn’t long before I began to drift off to sleep.

“LIAR!” I jolted awake swearing someone had said it but it was still just Trinity and I, the sun was rising and kissing our skin.

“Hey Darcie, how’d you sleep?” Trinity asked opening her eyes looking like sleep still wanted to pull her back under where as I was alert and sadly wide awake.

“I slept okay, I’m just gonna go to the bathroom, go back to sleep baby it’s still early” I whispered and kissed her lips gently; she nodded and nestled back into the pillow.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom where I striped out of my clothes and turned on the taps to the sink where I began to gently wash around my stomach. I peeled off the bandaged and almost broke down in tears.

They were ugly and jagged cuts looked bruised and swollen. I got into the shower and hissed as the water hit my stomach but I allowed it to clean the rest of me. I heard a knock on the door.

“Babe?” Trinity asked as she came in, she opened the shower curtain before I had a chance to hide my tears, she got in the shower clothes and all and pulled me too her, we slide to the bottom and she just gently rocked me.

“It will be okay, baby I promise it will be okay” she cooed and gave me a kiss.

I allowed the tears to come and wash down the drain, the tension drained off me and I fully relaxed.

“I love you” I whispered when the water began to cool.

“I love you too baby, I always will” I didn’t want to see it as a sign when my stomach throbbed at that exact moment. Liar. I shivered and thankfully Trinity took it as a sign of me being cold and she turned the water off then got us out.

“What are your plans for today?” Trinity asked as she began to brush my hair as I rested against the side of the bath.

“I’m going to see Cecile and Quinton” I whispered causing her to stop mid stroke and to force me to look at her.

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