Chapter Twenty- Three

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“Good morning” Trinity whispered in my ear as she traced patterns across my skin. I groaned and stretched allowing all my tightened muscles to scream at me in protest.

“Morning” I muttered then pulled her back into me so I could go back to sleep. The past two days I had barely slept more than six hours; we had gotten back from the beach...I looked up at my alarm clock two hours ago! Wow I had only gotten six hours sleep. Exhaustion and pregnancy did not bode well but Trinity had other plans.

“No, I don’t want to spend my last few hours here sleeping!” that had me wide awake.

Oh right, she is leaving today. What are you going to do?

I sat up and swung myself out of bed which was hard due to my large belly throwing off my balance.

Why did you stay here again? You and Trinity outgrew your single bed three months ago...fatty.

My evil mind whispered and I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore myself.

“Where are you going?” Trinity asked and I laughed, she had waited until after I had managed to get out of bed to ask.

“well my dear I have had less sleep than you and since I can’t have coffee I am going to get a hot chocolate, you coming?” she jumped out of bed eagerly and danced ahead of me to the bathroom whilst I just went to my cupboard and grabbed out a maternity top that hugged everywhere and somehow screamed to strangers ‘I’m pregnant, touch me!’ and a pair of trackies that were both comfortable and stretchy then I threw on slip-ons and waited for Trinity to get out of the shower.

My phone chimed just as the bathroom door opened. I slid it open and read;

We are here, hurry up!

I hurriedly typed back that we were on our way and locked the phone before Trinity could see.

I had planned with Drew the day before to round up the gang as a last hurrah for Trinity.

“Let’s go!” I enthused and grabbed her hand. She sipped down the driveway and towards the cafe; she entered first and was greeted with a chorus of.

“SURPRISE!” the funny thing was Trinity squealed a really high pitched scream and went to run out the door but I was fortunately blocking the doorway which was also pre-planned hence why I let her stay ahead of me.

She clutched her heart and began to laugh as did everyone else, I admit even I had a giggle.

“You, who planned this?” she managed to ask in between bursts of laughter. Everyone pointed to me at once and Trinity turned and playfully hit me on the arm.

“Mean!” I grinned.

“We wanted to all say goodbye with a tradition that Daciana started. Morning coffee at unlucky thirteen” drew explained then passed her a cup.

“Hazelnut latte with a top of mint” Camille grinned.

“A shot of caffeine and a pick me up” Trin commented taking a sip then moaning.

“Oh my god, this is amazing!” she exclaimed. I smiled and walked to sit down t my usual seat. Drew sat beside me and passed me my drink.

“Hot chocolate, with a hint of cinnamon apparently good for pregnancy” I laughed and took a sip finding it oddly delicious.

“How’d last night go?” he shifted in his seat a little and produced his phone.

“Mum sent me this” he showed me his phone.

Come by to collect your things so long as your living in sin you are to never contact us. Please don’t embarrass us any further. You have until Sunday night.

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