Chapter three

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I am soo sorry, i have been flat out busy, i got a tattoo (yay!) turned 19 (double yay!!) started a diet and exercise routine meaning no chocolate WAH! but i deserve because i had no time to update. i know boo me but anyway here is chapter three.  remember to comment. constructive critism only please :)


The week passes by in a blur of stolen kisses, laughter, breakfasts and our game of twenty questions which really just asking new questions. Oh and me falling off the balancing beam of course.

I was walking from one class to the next when I suddenly pushed into a locker.

I didn’t have time to brace myself so I slammed in and hit the ground. I looked up to see Chloe laughing with her friends then she said out loud with pretend concern.

“Are you okay, I didn’t see you there” then she leant down to help me stand. Whispering in my ear as she went.

“Watch it new girl, its begun” with that she walked off. My whole body was trembling not with fear but with anger, it took all my strength not to go and smack that smirk off her face. That was when I noticed the feeling of warmth spreading down my chin and onto my top. I raised my fingers and gently touched my lip a sting of pain went through me.

Great just what I needed! I walked to the nearest bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had a huge cut in my lip and it ran almost an inch down my chin. Blood was steadily dripping down it. My top was ruined. Just then Daciana walked in.

“Some girls told me what happened are you—oh my god” she stopped short when she actually got a look at me. She quickly rushed over and wet some paper towel before gently dabbing it onto my chin. I winced from the pain but allowed her to continue.

“Word travels fast around this school” I muttered but I was smiling, well trying to it was hard when my lip was split open.

“Yeah it does, I’m going to kill that stupid girl. You’re hurt, bleeding” she had tears in her eyes. I was going to ask why but she quickly grabbed my hand and made me press the soaking paper to my lip. Then she took off her top. Leaving a long sleeve top underneath.

“You're going to want to put this on, your top is ruined” the tears were gone and there stood a strong woman ready to inflict some damage.

“We knew this was coming Darce” I reminded her as I took off my top, not caring that she saw me in my bra. Once I had her top back on I looked at her and a smile automatically broke out onto my face. She was staring at my chest, like she could still see the bra. Slowly her brain clicked that it was now covered so she looked up to me, breaking into a huge blush.

“Yeah I know, it’s just, your lip and chin. It’s still bleeding” she commented then grabbed more paper towel before it could drip onto her top.

“It's going to need stitches” she muttered then kissed my cheek. “Come on” with that we walked to the nurse’s office.

“Oh goodness, what happened?” the nurse exclaimed the moment we walked in. she was short, five foot three. She was in I would guess her early fifties with greying hair. Her name tag ready Gladys’s.

“Got knocked into a locker, hit the lock” I told her. Daciana shot me a look, telling me I should have told the truth but that wouldn’t stop Chloe and the only real witnesses there were her friends no one would believe that she had done it on purpose.

“You poor dear, Daciana was right to take you to me. You’re going to need some stitches. Not the needle kind tho love, just glue. These ones will wash out when it’s healed enough.” She told me then led us to the bed where we sat. That way we were the height she could actually reach.

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