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Baby cries woke me up, I was exhausted yet every time I heard baby Ciara cry I couldn’t help but smile. My baby was finally here, it had been three months since the car accident and her birth.

A very long three months that had been hard on everyone.

Camille had woken up to being paralysed from the waist down, Trinity hadn’t been able to come home due to her studies which we both understood yet was still hard and most of my friends had moved away to college including Drew.

It had been hectic ever since, Gale had pretty much stopped working to look after Camille. Her children had been coming over every night after school, sometimes crashing on the couch, spare beds and floor.

So it had been up to me to look after the cafe which I had been secretly loving, I had even enrolled in the local college to get my business degree which had caused an argument between Trinity and I about me delaying moving to New York with her but it had ended the moment I told her that Camille, my own mother needed me right now and that it meant I was going to be staying for as long as it took, that I loved her and that if she didn’t understand then maybe she should talk to her own mother.

“Morning Daciana, mind if I come in?” Gale whispered from the doorway I looked up from Ciara who was sleeping soundly again, it’s amazing what a rocking cradle can do.

“Sure, come on in” I whispered back then turned back to the little miracle in front of me.

“She still sleeping through the night I see” she joked as I suppressed a yawn that turned into a small laugh.

“I wish; she has changed her sleeping patterns to match when I’m home. I’m tempted to put a portable cot in the cafe so she can see me whilst I work and play during the day so when I get home I can sleep at night. To say I’m beyond exhausted is putting it mildly but I love every minute of it” Gale nodded then put her hand down in the crib and Ciara reflexively put her fingers around her pinkie.

“Mind if you watch her for a while? I have a Skype date with Trinity in about an hour and I want to look a bit more presentable” I gestured to my hair that looked like a birds nest.

Gale chuckled silently and nodded so I quickly got out of bed and went into the bathroom where I stripped off and looked in the mirror.

Due to some problems with my breasts I had been unable to breastfeed Ciara so once she was weened fully onto the bottle I began working out, my therapist suggested it as a release of the emotions I tended to keep inside.

I ran every morning from five-thirty to six-thirty, come home worked up a sweat in the gym that we had set up in the garage and then I would shower and look after Ciara. Three times a week after work I went to the pools, swam laps and even worked with the personal trainer who was in the gym section.

The results? I had faint abs and a tattoo that covered my stomach and the scars etched in there. It was an array of Celtic knots and flowers; you could barely see the word ‘LIAR’ anymore.

I had yet to tell Trinity about the tattoo because it was only finished the night before and I didn’t want her to know until it was complete.

Ten minutes later I was all clean, dressed and brushing out my long hair and running it through with the blow dryer, Gale had taken Ciara into Camille’s room so that Camille could snuggle up to her in bed meaning she was having a down day.

They were few and far between but we were all dealing the best ways that we knew how and right now for Camille that was spending time with the kids who were full of life.

I turned on my laptop as I paced the bedroom in my silk robe, trying to find what I wanted to wear today; I chose a singlet top and blue jeans. I lay them on the bed and put on matching purple lace lingerie then wrapping my hair around my fingers so it would dry curly I pressed the call button and waited for Trinity to accept.

Her face popped up onto the screen within seconds and I couldn’t help but take the smile off my face.

“hey baby, you look ravishing” she grinned taking in my bra, cleavage and curling hair whilst I took in her messy ponytail, paint covered top and  smear of red paint across her cheek and forehead.

“You don’t look too bad yourself, zone out again?” I laughed and she nodded.

“Pulled another all nighter, projects are due” I nodded then looked down at my stomach, something that she couldn’t see. She hadn’t really seen any more of me than my breasts up in months meaning she hadn’t seen the transformation at all.

“Baby I have something to show you” I whispered suddenly nervous.

“What’s that?” she asked leaning forward to get a better view of whatever it was that I was offering.

“don’t freak out” I ordered and then I moved the camera and stood back so she could see me in all my glory, hips up she got to see the full tattoo. She was silent for a while and I began to feel nervous but I didn’t move until she spoke.

“ohmygodisthatatattoo?yougotabs!” I laughed as it took me a second to realise what she said. Oh my god, is that a tattoo? You got abs.

“Yeah, it was finished last night, I wanted to wait before I showed you” she squealed and clapped her hands.

“I love it, you look downright stunning! Stand closer” I took a step closer and I saw her lean into the cam further trying to get a closer look.

“Wow you can barely even see the scar anymore, when did you get abs!” she yelled and I laughed.

“Well remember how I told you that Ciara didn’t accept my breast milk and had to be weaned onto formula? Well I began working out, therapist told me that it was a good idea and I have loved it. I’m more muscular than I was as a gymnast but I love it.” I explained and she just stared dumfounded.

“Oh man baby, I can’t wait to come visit, I will lick your abs. I’m not joking” I stared into her blue eyes and felt once again the love I had for her.

“You have that look” she commented and I blushed and looked away. “baby tell me what you’re thinking because you have that look and we both know that when you blush there is something that your thinking and its dying for me to know it so you may as well give up the fight and tell me” she smiled and I looked back up.

“I just love you so much and I want you to know that I am so, so, so, so very grateful that you’re willing to give this relationship a chance even if we live five hours away from one another. I promise that as soon as I am able I will come visit you and I am hoping that one day very soon we can be together” I blurted out and wiped the tears that had suddenly decided to grace my eyes with.

“Baby, you know I love you and will do anything for you” Trinity smiled and wiped a tear of her own.

“So you know what today is?” I suddenly blurted.

“No idea” Trinity shook her head but I could tell she did.

 “One year ago today, you were just a new girl sticking up to the school’s bully under a special tree” she grinned.

“And you were just a gymnast with a secret hiding behind a smile, aren’t you glad I saw what was hidden within?”


Well that is all of Hidden Within.

i would like to say thank-you to all of the people who have been reading it from the start, who have joined through out it or joining now. the ones who stayed long enough to get to the end and the ones who commented, followed, shared it.

writing this story was a new experience that was hard to write, but i loved every second of it.

there may be a sequel depending on if i can gain the confidence to keep going witht he love story that is Daciana and Trinity.

as always.

Vote, comment, share and just plain enjoy.

i love you all!

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