Tears - 3

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   Mirabel felt her heart break when Antonio begged her to walk with him to his door. She tried desperately to hold back the tears as she felt all the townsfolk's stares of pity, confusion, and shock. She hated being pitied, hated being forgotten, and hated having to constantly explain not having a gift. When they reached the door, her Abuela's frown was very clear on her face and she was more than happy to slip behind her aunt and uncle out of sight.

   Joy filled her as her favorite little primo got his gift connected to his love for animals. But as she watched her Abuela tell him how special he was and claim what a perfect night it was, she broke down. Her family took a picture and didn't even notice she wasn't there. They didn't need her and at that she left the room with tears flooding down her face. But when a tile broke off Casita, she began to worry. She stood in horror as her home cracked and crumbled before her.

   But it blinked away as quickly as it came. If she hadn't been in such shock, maybe she would have ran to her family but she couldn't move. As she came out of shock she debated telling her family. She could tell them, risk ruining Antonio's night, and then be called crazy because it was no longer there or keep it to herself. Now that may seem selfish but what's the point if what she saw was gone. She would be pushed aside even more than she already was and she didn't want to risk the fragile relationships she so desperately held onto.

   So, as everyone else explored Antonio's room and celebrated, she once again went to her room and cried herself to sleep. Due to all the noice of celebration, Dolores did not hear this but a little someone noticed her absence. Antonio couldn't find his favorite prima anywhere but no one would let him wonder off long enough to find her. When he finally did see her, he ran to her to give her a hug until she turned into Camilo with a wide smile on his face.

   Camilo began to panic as he saw tears grow in his little brother's eyes! "What's wrong 'Toni!? I thought you'd be happy to see your favorite big brother?" His little brother's tears started running down his face as he whimpers out that he wanted Mirabel. Camilo was quick to reassure his little bro that he would find her and a smile replaced his tears. With a sigh of relief, he rushed off to find Mirabel. He felt awful for not noticing her disappearance earlier but felt even worse when he found her in her room, still fully dressed with painfully visible tear streaks on her face.

   Camilo quietly padded to her bed and wiped the stains away. He took off her glasses and pushed some hair behind her ear. With a quick kiss on her forehead and slipped out to tell Antonio his primary was tired and had gone to bed early not feeling well.

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