Gifts - 27

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   Mirabel woke up after a nice rest and stretched in her warm bed. Unlike before her gift, she no longer felt cold when she threw off her covers. The fire her gift could create always kept her warm and she loved it. After going through her morning routine, Mirabel played around with her fire. She created new and more detailed images with the flames and smiled at her results. She occasionally laughed as the images would be distorted or out of proportion but continued to try. Eventually it was time for breakfast and she opened her door wide only to trip and nearly fall.

   In front of her door was a small gift. She quickly put it in her room and went about her day forgetting about it until that night when she returned to her room. The gift had no tag or name to claim who it was from but it was a small dragon made of her favorite blues and purples. The next few days, more gifts arrived and still no name was left. She was given her favorite foods, blue slippers, candies, and more. It reminded her of the many times she had made gifts for her familia throughout the years but who could it be from?

   Mirabel kept a watchful eyes on all her family members. None of them tried to take hidden glances at her and seemed excited or nervous. They all acted as normal but happier than they had been in the past. This made her happy but she still wanted to find out who her mystery gift giver was! But the only person she hadn't observed was Abuela... but surely it wasn't her. Her Abuela had been distant recently and barely seen leaving her room.

Mirabel felt bad about the way they had been treating her, but she needed to learn how she had made them all feel. Mirabel visited the village children for a bit and showed off her fire creations but her mind kept wondering towards her Abuela. She made up her mind, and later that afternoon went up to her Abuela's room. She knocked on the door and patiently waited for a response. When a quiet come in was heard, she walked in.

"Abuela?" She asked as she entered the slightly dark room. "Over here Mira..." Mirabel felt tears develop as her grandmother had not called her that since she failed to get a gift. Abuela spent the rest of the night apologizing for everything and anything and Mirabel apologized for giving her the cold shoulder. They both held each other right and cried and Abuela finally realized just what made Mirabel so special. She never received a gift at first because she was their gift! Mirabel was the Madrigal's miracle that brought their family back together again!

~ The End

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