Repeat - 12

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Abuela did indeed wait until later when Mirabel was alone to talk. It was a few hours after the family had hugged and she had had the time she needed to plan what to say. During this time she was given the cold should by most of her family and she can tell they put most of the blame of Caista on her. But why was she in the wrong, she was only doing what she thought best for the family.

   When the time to talk came, Abuela quickly walked into Mirabel's room and closed the door behind her. Seeing this, Mirabel struggled to sit up and watched as her grandmother approached her carefully. Mirabel could tell Abuela was sad about Casita falling but didn't fully regret her actions. In face she had come to defend herself.

   "Mira... I want to apologize for... my unfair actions towards you. It was... not fair of me to push you aside and I am sorry for that. You were... trying your best and I disregarded it as I was busy with the rest of our familia. You have to understand I was just trying to protect us and the town. I couldn't lose our home again!"

   Mirabel tried to hide the hurt and disgust behind her eyes at her Abuela's weak attempt to apologize in her defense. She very reluctantly forgave her and quietly asked her to leave claiming to be tired.

   In her Abuela's defense, over the next few days as the final touches were put on Casita, she did treat the familia better. But old habits die hard and soon she was fixing Isabella's posture again and Camilo to smile more. Mirabel watched this from a distance, still not allowed to help due to her injuries and one day snapped.

   As Abuela asked Camilo once more to smile, Mirabel limped over angrily and would have fallen if Camilo had not been there to catch her. Some part of Casita had fallen on her leg and cut deeply into her calf and was taking a painfully long time to heal. Camilo tried to tell her to rest and sit back down but Mira was done.

  "No Camilo, I will not sit until I have said this! Abuela you apologized to me and defended your actions but fail to realize those actions are what tore Casita apart in the first place. You said you were sorry and yet continue to try and train this family to perfection. But we are already perfect the way we are! STOP TRYING TO CHANGE US!"

    As she shouted at the end, many villagers had stopped what they were doing and listened in with frowns evident on their faces. Camilo had a sad smile and tears in his eyes and some of her other family were also hugging each other or close to tears. Her tio was full on crying and her mother had him in a fierce hug. Mira worked her self so up that in her weak state the yelling made her dizzy and once again Camilo was quick to hold her up. Luisa quickly came behind them and scooped her up to take her back to her room. The house was silent besides the sound of construction and the village now saw Abuela in a new light.

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