Reconnecting - 5

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Mirabel wakes up early again and leaves a quick note in case someone comes looking for her. Dressed in her self embroidered dress, she fills her bag back up with her books and goes towards the woods. Mira knew that one must be strong to protect their family and unlike Luisa who was blessed with strength, she would have to work for it.

Within 45 minutes Mirabel could barely stand. Traveling through the woods behind Casita left her tired and the several sit-ups, push-ups, and jumping jacks later didn't help. After giving herself time to catch her breath, she decided to try out some of the self defense book moves and then moved onto weapons. Around lunch time, she wondered back home and bumped into Isabella. Not seeing who it was, Isabella began to tell them to watch it but stopped when she saw her little sister on the floor covered in books spilled from her bag.

"Mira? What on Earth are you doing with all these books? And why would you want to learn about self defense and weapons?" Isabella bent down to help her sister pick up her books and dragged her to her room before she could protest. Isabella spun her around and pulled her into a hug. "Mira, we are safe here and no one will come hurt us. There is no need for you to worry about defending yourself! Please, if something is worrying you, tell me!"

Mirabel hugged her sister for a second before pulling back, "Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you hated me?" Mirabel felt herself get hugged even harder and froze when she heard a sniffle. Isabella began to trip over her words as she told her sister all about how she felt she always needed to be perfect and was so caught up in it she forgot to show her love towards her favorite little sister. Mirabel cried for her sister as Isa told her all she had done was for her family. Isabella got so mad talking about how she was stuck acting perfect, she created a cactus.

The two sisters then ran around Isra's room finding out what all she could grow. They laughed for a while until Luisa came knocking on the door. As they opened it both covered in a burst of colors, they saw their sister looking uncharacteristically sad. They pulled her into the room and she explained how she had begun to feel weak and how she felt she would blow under all the pressure. All three sisters then hugged it all out and then split up to get cleaned up.

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