Gone - 17

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The house was quiet that morning, too quiet. Felix woke up later than usual and from what he could tell no one else was up. Mirabel had always been an early riser and woke up the familia, starting with Julieta to help her get breakfast started. But the usual smell of empanadas did not fill his nose and he shook his head sadly.

Abuela's harsh words must have really affected Mira for her to not have left her room yet. But being the amazing tio he was, Felix decided to leave her for the time being and wake the rest up and began breakfast...

... turns out Felix can't cook... like at all! Julieta woke up to the smell of burning food around 7:30 and was very quick to get out of bed. As she rushed into the kitchen, she laughed at the sight of Felix covered in flour which greatly contrasted against his dark skin.

Julieta cleaned off the kitchen and started cooking from scratch as Felix went to clean himself up. At this point several members of the family staggered to the dining room and began to conversations with each other. As Julieta put the finishing touches on breakfast, her sweet husband and two oldest girls walked in to help her.

Everyone except Abuela and Mirabel were ready to eat and happy to see the steaming plates of food. Camilo was the first to fill his plate and pulled the food so high it nearly toppled. Pepa was quite to teasingly scold him but no one was really mad, after all he was a growing boy.

The table was quiet for the next few minutes with only the sound of eating until little Antonio spoke up. "Should one of us go get Mirabel?" The poor five year old was worried about his prima and none of his animals had seen her at all today.

   "I'll go check on her" Isabella announced leaving her half eaten breakfast behind. All eyes followed her as she made her way back upstairs. But when she reached Mirabel's room, no one was there. Her bed was empty and on it laid a single note.

On it said this -
Dear familia,
Abuela was right. My so called "gift" is nothing but a curse and all fire ever does is burn. I am terrified that I will one day lose control and hurt someone like the problem causer I am. So to protect you, I must leave. Please do not think any of this is your fault or that I do not love you! It is because I love you all that I am doing this. Don't look for me. This is for the best.
Much love
~ Mirabel

A few tears had fallen onto the paper when Mirabel wrote the letter and Isabella's tears were quick to join them. Her little sister left to protect them because she hated herself and her gift. She wanted so badly to prove herself she was willing to hurt for their sake. The little sister she had sworn to protect all those years ago was gone!

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