-:- Chapter 2 -:-

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- Frozen Bloom -

POV: Magnolia'Feather

I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to.... Starclan...

I knew it. There was no escaping the truth. My destiny. My fate. To fight my way through the first hardship, coming out with wounds so deep that it leaves scars. All the pain and suffering, to die pitifully, drowning in waters that I had learned to swim in.

POV: Narrator

Little did she know, that her life had a goal. The journey had just begun. She only had to figure out what she needed to do to reach it. Her fate was lively and filled with much, much more, found in the heart and mind.

- - -

Smoke'Storm watched his apprentice practice a canter, occasionally meowing "Well done!" and "Good job!" to lift Mint paw's spirits. Splashes were faintly heard in the distance, his ears tilting in hopes of discovering the origin of the sound. Glancing around curiously, he pinpointed the noise. His body froze, limbs stiff.

"I'll be right back." he muttered, panic arising in him as his voice trailed off.

Smoke dashed towards the beach, going as fast as his legs could take him. Whooshing by the undergrowth, he was a blur. He suddenly skidded to a stop, slowly sliding across the ice. The panting tom glanced around frantically, spotting an area in the ice that was completely shattered. Smoke rushed to the opening, staring into the dark waters. His reflection and the moon shone brightly on the surface. The water was pitch black, not able to see much more than a few feet below. Concern washed over him like a wave had just hit his back, wondering what had happened just before.

Is anyone down there?

Just as he finished his thought, the waters seemed to swirl. Flickering a teal glow, his eyes widened.

- - -

As the last bubble escaped from her lips, the calico's eyes glowed. Magnolia gracefully and swiftly swam up to the surface, a single, soft breath taken. Smoke was in shock, staying motionless as he stared into her turquoise eyes. She was barely over the waters, her chin brushing over the surface. Their noses were half a mouse length apart, both still and silent. Magnolia's eyes glowed brighter, but then suddenly turned dark. She gasped for air, her body moving much quicker than before. Smoke'Storm was stunned, continuing to stay quiet. The calico she then stared at the tom for a moment, processing. In a late reaction, she thrashed her paws into the water, creating a wave of water towards Smoke. Scrambling, the tom shut his eyes, protecting himself from the wave. Crashing down, he was drenched with frigid saltwater. Soaked and shivering, he hesitantly opened his eyes. Magnolia was gone.

- - -

Smoke'Storm could not get a scent from the mysterious she, due to her position in the waters. He sighed, and shook his pelt violently. Water droplets hit the ice, glimmering in the dim moonlight.

Am I hallucinating?

He froze, the moment flickering in his mind. It seemed so vague, even though it had only been but a few seconds ago. The tom strained to remember, but all he could see was two glowing eyes. Smoke'Storm glanced up at the night sky, staring at the shining moon. It was almost moonhigh already.

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