Chapter 10

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- Lovesick -

POV: Narrator
Oak'Star came back the next day at noon. Many were relieved of her return. "Welcome back Oak'Star!" They rejoiced, the new leader surprised of such enthusiasm. The camp was much more lively and bright, Magnolia bowing her head in welcome to Oak'Star. "Goodness Magnolia'Feather, you seem to exceed my expectations. Well done." She returned the bow, leaping onto the highrock. The new leader glanced over at the killpile, a good amount of fresh-kills piled on. Oak'Star also glanced over into the med den, the shelves filled to the brim with herbs. Her eyes were wide in astonishment. Magnolia was amused with the leader's reactions, a soft smile upon her face. Borage laid at her paws, never leaving the small molly's sight. She noticed that Ginger'Fall and Fire'Stream had been hanging out more often, reminded of how Smoke and her had started out. Magnolia jolted. I fully forgot about meeting up with Smoke this morning! She gazed up at the sky, clouds drifting across the light blue abyss. The sun was reaching towards the middle of the sky, Magnolia dashing out of camp.

Smoke paced around the bank of the stream. What could possibly take her this long? Quick footsteps approached, but he could not pinpoint the origin. His ears perked up to listen closely. "Sorry for being late!" Magnolia panted as she ran straight towards Smoke. He turned around, both not having enough time to react. They crashed onto the ice, Smoke flipped over on his back. Magnolia was stunned, on top and above Smoke. She quickly stepped away, blushing in embarrassment. "I-I'm such a k-klutz..." she mumbled, not daring to make eye contact with Smoke. The large Tom chuckled in amusement, taking a few steps closer to the flustered molly. "D-don't look at me.." she stuttered, trying to hide her blushing face. He smirked, taking another step forward. Magnolia tensed, staying as frozen as the ice below her. "What's wrong now? Are you blushing?" He teased, his voice deeper than usual. She did not respond, silent and still. Smoke chuckled, not expecting an answer. Taking his last step, noses an inch away. Her heart started to beat quicker, Magnolia tightly shutting her eyes. Smoke took a single lick on the tip of her muzzle, satisfied. "You got some ice and snow on your nose." He meowed innocently. She opened one eye, then the other. He bounded away, Magnolia left stunned. She huffed in annoyance, What was I expecting...

The very next morning another blizzard had come through. The snow and wind swirled around the camp, bitter cold. Many were huddled together, but it didn't seem to be enough. "I suggest that all warriors, apprentices, and kits stay inside their dens for the time of this blizzard." Oak'Star yowled, wanting all to hear. Many stumbled to dens, but quite a few were still sitting down around the highrock. Magnolia had sat beside Smoke, shivering. "We should do as Oak'Star suggests." He whispered, leaning closer for her to hear. The winds were howling, the snow covering all that it could reach. Magnolia nodded in agreement, dashing to the warrior den. Smoke soon followed, finding a empty moss bed across from where Magnolia had laid down. He gently laid down, quickly falling asleep. Magnolia however, could not rest. She was shivering, her pelt sprinkled with snow. Laying down her head, she closed her eyes.

Night'Spade slinked inside, his footing light and thought out. He circled around the moss bedding before laying down, silently shifting positions. The large tom glanced around before resting his chin on the edge of the bed. Falling asleep, Rose'Heart strutted inside. She scoffed at how it was so occupied, rolling her eyes. These imbeciles, didn't even give me any space. There were still many empty moss beds, but she wanted to have lots of moving room. She trotted to a moss bed beside Night'Spade, a sly grin on her face. Magnolia fluttered open her eyes, waking up to the smirking Rose'Heart. She stayed silent and motionless, wanting to see what the molly would do. Rose'Heart fluffed her pelt, preparing for her devilish plan. She laid down in a perfect position, staring at the sleeping tom. Her overwhelming scent wafted up Night'Spade's nostrils, causing him to wake up. "Hm?" He muttered, slowly opening his eyes. "Hey sleepy head~" Rose'Heart cooed, shifting closer. "Oh hey Rose" Night'Spade replied, gazing over the fluffy molly's body. She smirked, her plan was working perfectly. Swishing her tail, she preened her pelt, a soft purr erupting from her throat. He watched closely, licking his lips. "Like what you see?~" She meowed, her light green gaze on Night'Spade. His mouth was slightly agape, slowly nodding in an answer. She giggled, stepping closer to the tom, her tail brushing against his cheek. He couldn't hold it in any longer. "Hey, Rose?" He whispered, leaning closer to the fluffy molly. "Yes?~" She mewed, pausing mid lick to speak. Night'Spade gulped, usually not this nervous and needy. "Would you like to be my mate?" He meowed, staring into Rose'Heart's light green eyes. From behind the she's paws, a mischievous smirk appeared. "O-oh. I didn't know you thought of me that way~" she uttered, her plan set in place. "Well-" he stared to say, but was stopped by Rose'Heart. "Shh~" She whispered, her paw gently on his mouth. Leaning in, their lips touched, Night'Spade's eyes widening in surprise. He quickly fell in, closing his eyes as well. Magnolia made a soft gasp, the two felines not able to hear her. Ugh... Why now of all times... Disgusted, she could not fall asleep again. "Mmhm~" Rose'Heart giggled, her face blushing a light pink as she leaned back normally. Night'Spade was stunned, almost drooling. Magnolia was close to bursting, disgust, and rage swirling inside her. Night'Spade laid his head back down again, a satisfied grin on his face. Rose strutted beside the large tom, her body fitting right between his legs. She purred, hiding her snarky smile behind her paws. The small molly could not take it any longer. Magnolia stood up, and stormed out of the warrior den, the new couple fast asleep. Dashing out of camp, she found herself at the river, facing the cracked ice that revealed the deep dark waters. "This is where I fell... Isn't it...?" She whispered, fear flooding her body. Everything around her seemed to nod, an answer to her question. Her legs felt limp, and she stared to tremble. She wanted to get as far away from the hole as possible, but it felt like she was stuck in the ice. Almost like she was in the water again. "What do you want from me!" She yowled, on the brink of tears. She was shaking, staring down below her. Flickers if cracks in the river's ice appeared in her vison, her breathing becoming quicker. The chilly blizzard's wind blew against her pelt, a chill slithering down her spine. At the same moment, their heads throbbed, cracking ice flashing inside. Smoke constantly shuffled around in his sleep, shivering. Then suddenly, it felt like the ice covering them had melted, feeling freed. What is happening? The warriors demanded, awfully confused and lost. Magnolia glanced over at the dark waters before bolting away, frightened. As she dashed into camp, the sun peeked over to the east, it's rays blocked by the gloomy clouds above. The blizzard persisted, snow continuing to fall. Sighing, she sat down on the highrock, the camp empty and quiet. "Couldn't sleep huh?" Smoke muttered, stepping out of the warrior den. Magnolia jumped in surprise, "Y-Yeah..." she mumbled, staring at the tired tom. "It doesn't look like you had much sleep either." She joked, Smoke yawning. "Mhm." The tom replied, chuckling to himself. They both were quiet for a moment, until Smoke broke the silence. "So what kept you up?" He meowed, quite eager to know. "Well I just couldn't stand that new couple, and so I left for a bit." She growled, rage and disgust still lingering. Smoke would be surprised, " A new couple? Who?" He'd be curious, leaning in closer. "Night'Spade and Rose'Heart." She replied, seeming to hiss at the she's name. The large tom noticed her vexation, deciding not to ask any more.

Clan members started to wake up, disappointed to see the blizzard. "I advise all to stay in dens until this storm comes to a halt!" Magnolia yowled, many returning to dens. "Thank you, and stay warm and safe!" The deputy meowed, hoping that everyone would be alright. A glimpse of white puffy fur in the snow appeared in Magnolia's vision. It was Rose'Heart. Another plan set and ready.


Hi, it's me, moosh_moosh12. I wanted to add a little bratty character into the story because it adds more drama! It's quite late for me (9:50) so I'm tired... Anyways, I don't have much to say, so stay safe and happy!

- Your Exhausted Author, moosh_moosh12

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