-:- Chapter 6 -:-

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- Closer -

POV: Narrator
Lift your head up high, show confidence... Magnolia's soft voice soothed him, but he knew that he couldn't do what she said. I can't be confident, that's just the way I am. Everyone knows that... I can't be bold and upfront, I just can't. He pushed himself further down the hole he was stuck in, not realizing that he was doing so. For once, Cobra'Strike was concerned. "Hey, what's going on with ya?" Cobra whispered, worry in his voice. Smoke sighed, "I-I... Well, Magnolia told me to put my head up high, and to show confidence. But... What if I don't have confidence in the first place?" Smoke was searching for some type of answer. Cobra'Strike did not know how to reply, for it was rare for him to be worried. "I'm not exactly sure how to answer that, but maybe you could ask Magnolia'Feather." Cobra took the easier route, reminding himself to never be concerned about anyone again. Smoke stayed silent, wondering if he should ask her. After the meeting. He made his final decision, determination in his eyes.

POV: Magnolia'Feather
I don't know exactly what happened that morning... It seems so vague... So many things happened at one single moment, and I guess I got overwhelmed... Snapping out of trance, I gazed up at Silent'Star. His eyelids were dropping, and he seemed exhausted. What did I miss? "A reminder, be cautious out of camp. Clan dismissed." He meowed, yawning tiredly. He stumbled down the highrock, turning to go to his den, but quite a few cats stood in front of him. "Silent'Star, we have a problem." Silver'Shadow meowed, his posture perfect. "What is it." Silent'Star growled. "Since the Shadowclan incident, we are running low on herbs. As well as the killpile is dwindling quickly." Fire'Stream replied. Silent'Star huffed in anger and exhaustion. "Tell Oak'Tail to assign more hunting patrols as well as send out some to collect herbs for Wild'Mist." The two large Tom's quickly nodded, swiftly padding away. I watched closely, for I have never seen Silent'Star that tired. I turned around to look for Smoke. He was sitting on the stump, his gaze on his paws. I silently padded towards him, swiftly leaping beside him. He was motionless, seeming lost. "Smoke?" I whispered, concerned. "Y-yeah?" He replied, turning his head to face me. "What's wrong?" I asked, leaning closer. "Well, I wanted to ask you something." He meowed softly. "Mhm, go ahead" I was curious what this question could be. "How do you get confidence?" He whispered, almost like he did not want to be heard. I was confused. "W-what?" Smoke sighed. "You know how you said  'Lift your head up high, show confidence.' But... What if you don't have any confidence in the first place?" I understood immediately. "Well, you are showing confidence now!" I exclaimed, smiling. "You had enough confidence to ask me this question. You just have to look deeper." Smoke seemed stunned. He returned the smile, standing up. "Thank you Magnolia. Goodnight." He gracefully stepped off the stump, heading towards the warrior den. "Goodnight." I whispered, even though knowing that he most likely did not hear me. I laid down, staring up at the night sky. The stars twinkled in the dark background, a gentle breeze ruffling my fur. I could not keep my eyes off a single star. It shone the least, but it kept flickering. I was mesmerized, I wonder who that star is...

POV: Narrator
Smoke circled around the empty moss bedding, swiftly laying down. He closed his eyes, his head laid on the edge of the moss. Falling asleep, Magnolia stepped inside. She saw an empty bed, trying not to wake any warriors. She laid in the bed, her mind still picturing the night sky. Magnolia's eyelids fluttered, slowly closing. She fell asleep, softly purring.

The sun was a small sliver in the distance as the large tom awoke. He glanced around the den, many nests empty. His eyes landed of the sleeping Magnolia, her chest rising and falling with each breath. She seemed to purr in her sleep, her throat vibrating. He would admire her sleeping figure, smiling. She curled her tail tighter around her haunches, a small mew escaping from her mouth. Smoke blushed, shaking his head violently. I shouldn't be staring at her while she sleeps! He quickly stood up, padding out of the den in embarrassment. He paused, watching the sun slowly peek out from behind the hills. There was little noise, only the trickle of the stream and the chirping of songbirds. Thick layers of snow covered the ground and trees, sparkling in the morning sun. He sat down, the snow powdery and soft. He batted at the ground, snowflakes sent airborne. A small pile of snow sat on the top of his muzzle, as well as his ears. He tumbled around, entertained. Magnolia stepped out of the den, eyes widening. She giggled, How childish is he! She leapt, pinning down Smoke in the snow. Stunned, he did not try to wriggle out of her grip."Gotcha." She meowed softly, smirking. Smoke chuckled, flipping around, causing Magnolia to roll onto the snow. He then pinned her, "I got you now." Magnolia was surprised, looking up at Smoke's face. She flushed a light pink, shutting her eyes as she hit Smoke's foreleg. He went off balance, stumbling off of her. They were both panting, smiling. "Surrender now and I'll be merciful." Magnolia growled playfully. "Never!" Smoke responded, leaping towards Magnolia with unsheathed claws. She swiftly bounded out of the way, Smoke landing on the soft snow. She didn't even have her claws unsheathed. What could she possibly be up to? Smoke leaped again, only to find that she had moved again. He looked around, confused. She was nowhere in sight. He readied his senses, blurs of fur passing by. Magnolia had her body lowered to the ground, her weight in her haunches. She crept up behind Smoke, ready to pounce at any time. He quickly turned around, paws in front of him. She was shocked, thumping to the ground as Smoke pinned her. She huffed in defeat, pouting. Smoke chuckled in amusement of her surrender. "Okay you win... Um could you g-get off me?" Magnolia mewed in embarrassment. "O-Oh right s-sorry" He stammered, quickly stepping back. She was awfully flustered, slowly standing up. They were both silent, until Magnolia spoke. "T-That was f-fun!" She stammered, a warm smile on her blushing face. "Y-yeah" Smoke agreed. It was still early in the morning, not many were awake. "So, what do you want to do today?" Smoke tried to start a conversation, also eager to know her answer. "How about we collect herbs for Wild'Mist?" Magnolia suggested, wanting to thank the med in some way. "Sure." Smoke replied quickly, bounding out of the camp. Magnolia swiftly followed, excited. They chased each other, pouncing and laughing. There was nothing holding them back at that point.


Your Grateful Author, moosh_mooshu12

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