Chapter 19

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- A Voice -

POV: Smoke'Storm
It was not normal of me to act that way. Something inside of me just triggered, something about the way she gazed into my eyes.

Gosh, now that I think about it, I regret every single decision. I must have really frightened her.

Shaking my head in disapproval, I stared back down into the river's depths. I wanted to think. Something was wrong with me. I shouldn't have acted in such a way with her. Guilt washed over me, a heavy burden upon my shoulders.

Ripples spread across the navy blue surface of the river, it's movements swift, yet graceful. Ice chunks were sent drifting off with the river's current, it fate sealed as it disappeared beyond my sight.

I was seated at the water's edge, occasionally it's cold contents splashing onto my already drenched paws.

Gazing up at the sky, the dark clouds covered every inch. It lit up with lightning, accompanied by a rumble of thunder.

You're pathetic.

A voice boomed from the storm clouds, a familiar, cold voice. I flinched, feeling like I had just been struck with a blow of a claw.

"Get out of my head you mousebrain!" I yowled, heading my voice crack slightly in fear.

The clouds seemed to laugh maniacally, amused of my response.

Do you really think you could be other than a cowardly, disgraceful kit?

The voice echoed in my mind, his tone threatening. I shut my eyes, pinning my ears down in a chance that the voice would go away.

"G-go away..." I whimpered, already surrendering to the piercing voice. I knew whom the voice belonged to. A ruthless, maniac of a warrior.

My eyes were brimming with tears, and I laid down on the banks of the river, trembling. He always found a weakness in me, every single flaw in me. It was a strength of his that would make it easy to finish me off.

The bitter cold rain pelted my raven fur, a sensation similar of thorns.

As quick as it came, my sadness formed into anger. I snarled in frustration, my sharp fangs flashing in the battering storm. Quickly heaving myself onto my paws, I roared in rage.

The clouds seemed to wince in his striking cry, it's lightning cutting short as it stumbled higher into the sky.

With a growl, I sprinted to the largest tree in the forest. My unsheathed claws scraped the earth below as I took quick, wide leaps. Droplets of muddy water splashed my legs as I landed in multiple puddles.

Everything was a blur, I wanted to obliterate the voice completely.

The massive oak came into view, my eyes narrowing as I increased my speed. Pouncing along the tree's stiff, damp bark, I leapt onto a large branch. High above ground, I took a quick glance below as I continued to dart from branch to branch. I spotted the opening in the leaves, rain pouring through the small hole. With a smirk, I jumped onto another, thinner branch. As I was about to leap, the stick below my hind paw snapped. My breath hitched for a moment before I began to scramble helplessly. Slashing down the oak's bare surface, my right claw hooked onto a groove in the wood. I was panting, and my muscles ached.

The clouds seemed to laugh at me, the wind howling as it knocked the tree. My claw was slowly but surely slipping from the wood. I kicked and climbed, but the wind was tearing me away from my only hope.

A giggle was heard. A soft, soothing voice. Magnolia's.

"Are you really going to fall? I don't think so."

Her tone was playful and uplifting, just what I needed.

My eyes glinted as I swung my foreleg up, my claw grappling into another crevasse. My hope was regained as I heaved myself up onto a sturdy branch. I began leaping again, my paw steps quick and light. No longer did I feel exhausted. As I reached closer to the top, my lips curled onto a grin. Jumping onto the final branch, I stared up at the sky with eyes flaming with rage and hope.

"You no longer scare me you fool! You are only but a coward whom hurts the weak and helpless, so you can cover up how you are the actual one who is pathetic!"

I roared at the top of my lungs, letting out all that I wanted to say for many, many moons. Releasing a huff, I waited patiently for some sort of response.

No answer awaited him. The storm persisted, but there was no longer the cold voice replying.

With a satisfactory nod, I closed my eyes. Feeling every single raindrop pelt my fur.

My wild imagination must have gone a bit too far. But everything felt so real, yet surreal.

With a sigh, I let myself relax my tense muscles as I smelled the sweet scent of borage.


I jolted open my eyes, glancing around curiously. Who, was that?

POV: Narrator
Smoke narrowed his eyes cautiously, slowly lowering his body into a crouch. His gaze swept the area, feeling his back fur bristle in alert.

A teasing giggle was heard. The tom's eyes widened, releasing a deep sigh of relief.

"Did you really follow me up here?" He chuckled, letting himself relax once more.

"Of course. I'm here, aren't I?" Magnolia meowed, stepping out of the bunch of leaves.

Smoke shook his head in disbelief, embarrassed that she had witnessed his outburst.

"I apologize for my- Immoral behavior." He managed to say, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"Do not apologize, it was amusing." The molly teased, noticing that the tom was shocked by her response. He was speechless, not expecting such an answer from her.

"You have no sense of humor!" She laughed, a smile blossoming on her face as she spoke.

"Im just glad you're safe." The small molly murmured to herself, recalling of the moment the branch snapped below his paws.

Blush burned at her face as she noticed that Smoke was staring.

His lips curled, forming a charming smile. Jolting, she turned her gaze away from the tom. Her heart was beating wildly, and her stomach was fluttering dazedly.

This feeling...


Hi! It's the author here. I will try my hardest to post often, just so that every one of you can enjoy the chapter without being left for too long. Again, thank you for your support and existence! Have a lovely night/day!

- Your Questionable Author, moosh_moosh12

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