Chapter 20

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- Feelings -

POV: Narrator
Magnolia's heart was thumping madly, a sudden change after she met Smoke's gaze. His ravishing smile seemed to make her have butterflies, an abnormality to her. She did not dare to make eye contact, feeling much too flustered to even much speak.

The tom chuckled amusedly, observing the molly's every move. The way she seemed to jump every time he made any type of noise was adorable to him. It was difficult to take his gaze off of her. Her shaky smile was a radiant as a million buttercups. He bit his bottom lip instinctively, his neck craning forward as if pulled by a rope. With a deep chuckle, he stood up. The rain seemed to slow for a moment as Magnolia jolted in surprise.

The moist, slick surface of the branch slid below his paws as he steady stepped closer. His gaze was almost seductive, yet welcoming and soft.

Her face flamed with blush, her heart feeling like it would burst any moment. It overwhelmed her with this "unknown" feeling, yet it felt, familiar in some way.

With a sudden; Snap! Smoke's eyes widened before the branch tore off of the main log.


With a quick gasp, the tom blurred down, plummeting to the ground at a speed that seemed un-realistically fast. He scrambled around midair with his claws flailing, in hopes of grappling something stable.

Thumping onto a thick branch, it's moist surface easily escaped his grasp, his body slowly sliding off. He had landed right on his stomach, a throbbing pain swelling that area. Wincing, he swung his right claw onto its bark. In his failed attempt, he slid off.

Crashing into multiple branches of the oak, his body was tormented with overwhelming pain. Grunts of agony escaped his throat, the sight of Magnolia quickly disappearing.

She had jumped to her paws, leaning over the large gap in the leaves. Adrenaline kicked in as she leapt down, eyes trembling with fear. She clumsily slipped with each step and landing, not minding it much notice. Blood rushed to her ears, the quick beating of her heart overlapping every single other sound. Darting down the massive oak, she could see that Smoke was only getting farther away.

The tom frantically clawed at anything, but his attempts were futile. He slammed into a thick, rigid branch with much speed, a blood curdling yowl of pain echoing throughout the dreary forest. The branch had halted his fall, but with much consequences. His body felt like he was on fire, an intense burn of bruises and scrapes. He twisted painfully, his face scrunching with an agonizing expression. Flinching, he laid his chin on the damp wood of the branch. His whole body throbbed, his back fur bristling with the wind. The oak creaked, the leaves rustling as the rain slowed.

Magnolia had reached the tom's level, her eyes widening as she leapt over to his side. Inspecting his bruised body, she could still see his chest rising and falling with each slow breath.


Smoke mumbled as he was unconscious, his head turning for his cheek to rub the moist bark of the branch. His tail swooped around her front leg, dragging her closer until she was tugged onto her belly. She felt as if they were only an ant length away as she was pushed closer to his body. The molly was held captive, not wanting to hurt the tom with any of her movement. But something else wanted her to stay in that same position, other than her unconvincing excuse. Another part of her wanted to continue being so close, one that made her heart flutter.

"Mmm~" Smoke groaned, his body shuffling painfully in hopes of a more comfortable resting position.

The small she squeaked in surprise, his body overlapping her back fur, tugging it gently with his weight. The large tom's chin shifted closer, his nose to be pushed to her chest.

"Soft..." The tom murmured, his muzzle rubbing against her damp fur.

The molly held her breath as her face was on fire with a rosy blush, Smoke's comment making her feel on edge of perishing from embarrassment. Soft, muffled snores were heard as he laid his cheek on her chest.

Is this... Normal?

With a sigh, Magnolia fell in. Her body relaxed, her throbbing muscles occasionally tensing. She stared at the tom's face, his features softened and alluring. A warm smile blossomed across her face as her gaze slowly drifted to his tattered body. Scraped and bruised, her lips curled into a deep frown. Some of his fur was torn off, the gashes in his flesh dripping crimson blood. The small she shook her head, closing her eyes as if it were blinding her.

"Sometimes, you make me wonder Smoke'Storm. Questions that I don't even know how to put in words."

Her voice faltered as she finished speaking, her gaze lowering to his head. Her eyes were full of questioning and confusion, almost as if she was asking the unconscious tom all of her wonderings. She wanted answers. It all didn't make sense to her. Smoke was her closest, dearest friend. But to be honest, she did not really know much about him. His background and family, his discoveries and loves.

The molly froze, her eyes wide in realization.

He doesn't really know much about... Me.

She quickly snapped back into reality, her mind swirling with thoughts of this realization. The tom stirred beside her, his eyes slowly blinking open.

"Warm..." He mumbled, his voice slightly hoarse and raspy.

With squinted eyes, he glanced around. Magnolia was tense again, hoping that he wouldn't be angry with her being so close. His gaze trickled upward, meeting Magnolia's light teal eyes. It took a moment before Smoke realized what kind of position they were in, and  his face grew warm with blush. He turned his head away, but kept his muzzle at her chest.

"C-can we stay like this? For a bit?" Smoke whispered, his voice shaky in question.

The molly nodded, not daring to make a sound. Almost like she was holding her breath, she stayed motionless. The tom shifted closer to her body, nudging his cheek on her chest. His wounded body was throbbing with pain, but he did not focus on that.

He wanted to savor the moment.


Hi readers! I don't have much to say, so I suppose I'll just end it here. I hope you have a wonderful day/night!

- Your Procrastinating Author, moosh_moosh12

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