Chapter 8

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- Death and Secrets-

POV: Narrator
"Silent'Star?" Magnolia whispered, concern filling her voice. She stumbled towards the fallen leader, his chest motionless. His body was covered in slashes and cuts, his fur and the ground around him soaked in blood. Magnolia turned her gaze to Smoke. He nodded, knowing what she meant. They slipped underneath Silent'Star's body, sliding onto their backs. Walking beside each other, stumbling and wobbling along the way. It felt like an eternity to get back to the camp, their legs and torsos aching in pain. They stood at the entrance, the camp silencing in shock. Warriors dashed towards the three, concerned faces all around them. "Silent'Star is g-gone..." Smoke whispered, panting in pain and exhaustion. The two cats slid the limp lifeless body onto the cold ground, sighing in sorrow and agony. Magnolia stumbled towards the med den, a large wound on her leg throbbing in discomfort. She laid down on an empty moss bed, many staring at her wounds. "Would you give me some space!" She growled, glaring at all of the patients in the den. Wild'Mist was surprised to see Magnolia there again. She quickly noticed the gashes along the small warriors body, swiftly turning to the herb shelves. She gently picked up some dock leaves, chewing it into poultice. She placed some on each wound, Magnolia wincing in pain. "Stay still. You're too wriggly." Wild'Mist growled in annoyance. Magnolia nodded, too exhausted to deal with Wild'Mist's temper. The med started to treat Smoke's gashes, quickly going onto the next wounded warrior. The camps aura was solemn, the news quickly spread of Silent'Star's death. Both Magnolia's and Smoke's faces were blank, the sky darkening with clouds. Snowflakes started to fall from the sky, increasing slowly. Oak'Tail would come back into camp, to be welcomed with the motionless, bloody body of Silent'Star. Her mouth would be agape, shock and fear covering her face. "W-what happened?" Oak'Tail stuttered, a shiver of fear crawling down her spine. "We a-aren't sure... ask Smoke'S-storm and M-Magnolia'Feather..." A warrior replied, their voice shaking in fright. Oak'Tail dashed towards the med den, finding Smoke and Magnolia gloomily laying in moss beds. "What happened with Silent'Star!" She demanded, wanting a clear answer at that very moment. "H-he was attacked b-by badgers Oak'Tail." Magnolia responded, her wounds aching. Oak'Tail was quiet, taking a few seconds to process what has happened. Her fear quickly switched to anger, "Silent'Star why! Why now that I have a-" she stopped suddenly before saying any more. Many turned their heads in curiosity, wondering what her next word would have been. She sighed, I shouldn't say any more. I am the next leader after all. She slowly padded to Silent'Star's body, leaning down to share tongues one last time. Many shed tears in doing so, their beloved leader was hunting with starclan that night. Mourning cats gathered around his body, greatly saddened by this sudden death. Magnolia held back tears as she watched the crowd, screaming at herself for not saving him. Only if I was there faster! I could've finished off the badger quicker! Only if...

The snowflakes seemed to dance in the skies, the Riverclan camp silent. It was a gloomy afternoon, dark and solemn. Smoke slowly looked up from his paws, disliking seeing Magnolia so down. He crawled beside her, giving a weak smile. With a gentle nudge, she smiled back, leaning her head onto Smoke's shoulder. Both blushed in warmth, feeling loved. The snow seemed to melt around them, the ice thawing.

The whole day was quiet and mournful, Silent'Star was gone. They needed time to take it in, to really process his death. They weren't ready for a new leader, and Oak'Tail wasn't ready to be leader.

Smoke and Magnolia just rested in the med den, sharing warmth in the blizzard. They had time to heal, to think, to ready themselves for whatever was ahead. What could possibly be next?...

Two days passed by before Oak'Tail chose a deputy. She needed those two days. It was too much for her to take in,  but she had to stay strong. She was the clan's only hope.

Magnolia and Smoke healed well, able to walk normally, but still could not do many things. They sat together near the highrock, the blizzard persisting. "All who can swim in the rapids of the river please gather around the highrock for a clan meeting." She did not have much vigor in her voice, only but a call. Many warriors and apprentices sat down, anticipating a choosing of a new deputy. "Our beloved leader, Silent'Star, has passed to starclan." She meowed, a slight sniffle in her voice. Many bowed their heads in respect, sadness flowing over them. "I must go to the moonstone tonight, to gain my nine lives, but before I do so, I must choose a new deputy." She seemed to wince at the words 'new deputy', feeling replaced. Many were not shocked whatsoever, knowing that she had to do this at some point. Oak'Tail glanced around below her, searching for a certain molly. "I know a loyal, fierce she, that I'm sure will be a great deputy." She announced, knowing that she had made the right choice. Many were gazing up at Oak'Tail, eager to know. "May starclan approve of my choice." She closed her eyes and dipped her head. "Magnolia'Feather. Please step forward." She meowed proudly as she glanced over at Magnolia. Her eyes were wide for a moment. Me? She stepped forward, many mouths agape. "Magnolia'Feather, will you protect, care for, and fight for this clan even if it costs your own life?" She meowed sternly, staring down at the small molly. "Yes," she responded, "Yes I will." Smoke felt pride, Oak'Tail couldn't have picked a better deputy. With a smile, Oak'Tail spoke. "You are now the official deputy of Riverclan. Please take a seat on the highrock." Magnolia bowed her head in honor, gracefully leaping onto the smooth surface of the rock. "Congratulations!" Many exclaimed, a cheerful expression on their faces. "I will now make the journey to the moonstone. Magnolia will be in charge in my absence. Clan dismissed." She yowled, her spirits lifted. All warriors disbanded, leaving only Smoke in the clearing. Oak'Tail stepped off the highrock, Wild'Mist at her tail as they exited the camp. Patrols were already assigned for the day, many warriors gone. Smoke swiftly walked closer to Magnolia, in a response she stepped off. "Congratulations!" He meowed as he gave a warm smile. "Thank you!" She replied, her cheeks a light pink. "You are going to be a great deputy Magnolia." He complimented, sitting down. She returned the smile, slightly disappointed in the fact that she had less time with Smoke. Both warriors knew, but hid it deep inside. They were both silent, not knowing what else to say. "Smoke'Storm?" Mint paw squeaked. "O-oh yes?" He responded quickly, slightly startled. "Can you train today?" She asked, a plead in her voice. "Yes, of course." He nodded, standing up. His wound throbbed, but he had postponed many training sessions. Mint paw's eyes lit up in excitement. She bounded out of camp, Smoke following. He took one last glance at Magnolia, slowly turning away and proceeding. Magnolia sighed, stepping back onto the highrock. Is being deputy as good as many say?


Hello, It's me the author. Woo I killed someone in the story! An accomplishment if I do say. Also things are going to get even more intense from here for a heads up. Hope you enjoyed and good luck on life!

- Your Encouraging Author, moosh_moosh12

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