Chapter 18

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- Confident -

POV: Narrator
Magnolia fluttered her eyelids as she stepped out into the hectic rain, lightning flashing above. The wind battered at her body, feeling like she could topple over any minute. Stumbling towards the highrock, she gripped tighter. The borage's petals had flown high up into the air, the flower already starting to wilt. Trees and other plants swayed in every which direction, seeming to try and brace themselves for another large gust of wind. Her eyes were slitted, using quite a bit of strength just to move closer towards the highrock. Rain pelted her fur, thunder booming in her ears. She gritted her fangs as she leapt onto the smooth, slick rock. "ALL TAKE SHELTER IN YOUR DENS!" She yowled frantically, so many sounds swirling around her. Many bolted for their dens, quickly obeying Magnolia's command.

Scanning over the clearing, she saw the large tom. Darting over to him, she opened her mouth to speak. After a few moments of staring at his matted face, she closed her lips.

"Are you not going to shelter?" She asked, much hesitation in her voice.

Smoke did not respond, the small she waiting patiently for an answer. With a flash of lightning, his eyes opened. He glanced down at the wide eyed molly, then around the camp. Confusion showed in his expression, his gaze then drifting back to the lead. Giving a warm smile, he pulled the she closer to him with his tail.

Magnolia jolted in surprise, feeling her face become warm again. Smoke chuckled in amusement, licking at the droplets of water on her ear. She whimpered as he did so, feeling his tail caress hers. Confused at such sudden moves, the molly was silent and motionless.

"There." He meowed, his voice deep and enchanting.

She gazed up at the tall tom with wide eyes, feeling the raindrops slowly slide down her muzzle. A smile blossomed on her rosy face, Smoke giving another lick on her cheek. The molly was not used to such affection, her face growing more red in color. She could not speak, her words vanishing as it reached her throat. Letting out only a high pitched squeak, her gaze lowered to the ground, awfully embarrassed. The large tom found it difficult to leave his gaze off of her, the way she reacted was just so amusing to him. He held back the strong urge to tease her longer, knowing that she would burst if he did it any longer.

The rain kept a steady pace, the ominous clouds beginning to drift apart. This allowed some sunlight to pass through, but the rain persisted. Puddles of water dotted the clearing, ripples created by the fall of raindrops. Glistening drops slid down leaves and branches, it's final destination to be the sponge-like soil. The clouds and the sun seemed to battle for dominance, only occasionally was there a clear lead.

"Do you have a reasonable explanation for this sudden affection?" Magnolia mewed, feeling confident enough to speak.

She lifted her azure gaze to the massive tom beside her, feeling a tingle at her paws.

She was met with silence. Curling her lips in dissatisfaction, she frowned.

Smoke did not have an answer for her, not exactly knowing why he did it in the first place. His embarrassment crawled up to his ears, motionless and quiet.

"I- uh..."

The molly was replied with a trembling and unsure voice, quite a difference from the bold and teasing personality that showed before. She blinked blankly, tilting her head at the flustered tom.

Smoke searched desperately of what to say, opening his mouth in hesitation. His whiskers twitched, knowing full well that Magnolia's gaze was on him. He shuffled his legs uncomfortably, in his mind, knowing the true answer to her question.

It's because you're so enticing...

The small she sighed, disappointment flooding her face.

"Well then bold one. I suppose you aren't going to answer my simple question." She meowed, her voice teasing and playful.

Smoke lowered his gaze to the ground once more, feeling himself get more embarrassed the more he looked at her.

The molly giggled, amused at such reactions.

The rain continued to dive down, the sun vanishing behind the dark clouds in defeat. Thunder boomed, and lightning cackled in victory. Rain plummeted down to the earth with great speed and in large numbers.

Heaving himself up, his gaze locked on the small she's light blue eyes.

Enough being such a coward.

Inhaling, he stepped towards the surprised molly. Only her wide eyes showed that she was shocked. His lips curled into a sly smirk, leaning down to her level. His algae green hued eyes seeming to glow as she gulped nervously. A low growl erupted from his throat, all of his embarrassment gone with the howling wind. He leaned closer, unfazed by the battering storm around them.

Magnolia had tried to crane her neck back to prevent Smoke to get any closer, but failed. miserably. The wind was against her that day, as well as she was frozen in place. A chill darted down her spine just as a lightning bolt struck the river, it's waters glowing white for a moment before returning to its original color.

The she's scent was of the sweet fragrance of borage, but there was something else that made her simply alluring. He licked the rim of his lips, drawn in. Taking a step to the left, he purred. His nose was at her ear, whispering with a smirk.

"I'll see you later~"

It was difficult to stand her ground, a mix of emotions ready to burst out of her. His tone was striking and she knew that any molly would instantly fall for him if he used it often. Her heart began to thump madly, the heat crawling up her neck and ears.

What is this feeling?

Her face was a red hue, feeling the warmth in her throat. She felt her heart pound in her chest as her legs fell limp.

The rain pelted her fur, Magnolia becoming drenched. It was the least of her worries in the moment. Confusion was added to her long list of emotions, not understanding why her body was acting like this. Lifting her gaze, she shuffled closer to a large plant. It's leaves were enough to shelter her for now. Sighing, she covered her blushing face with her soaked paws.

Hi, next chapter will be more of Smoke'Storm being in the spotlight, if any of you are craving some more of his perspective! It's a bit of a challenge, because he is not my character. But I will try my best. I am trying a new format for my story, as well as I'm attempting to use more descriptive words. Please tell me if you dislike it, I will definitely consider your opinion. One last announcement, I will be editing the chapters after I publish chapter 20. Stay safe, have fun, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- Your Sincere Author, moosh_moosh12

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