-:- Chapter 31 -:-

84 7 4

- At Last -

POV : Narrator

"I send my regards."

Crow'Star chuckled hoarsely as he unsheathed his unbelievably long claws. They were dark grey, and resembled a crow's sharp talons. He grinned, his scarlet eyes gleaming with evil.

Smoke laid there, twitching as the pain prohibited his attempts of attack. He was a whirlwind of emotions, panicking as the raven black tom lunged forward with his canines and claws outstretched and ready for the spilling of blood.

And that's what he got.


But one thing he didn't expect,

something nobody there expected to happen,

was that it wasn't Smoke'Storm's blood that had spilled.

It was Magnolia's.

Her eyes seemed to flicker a teal glow, soon fading out as it glazed over. Her throat was stained scarlet, a massive gash streaking across the area with clumps of fur scattered along it's bloody edges. The calico staggered and swayed for a few heartbeats before crumpling to the ground with a thud.

Crow'Star processed what he had done, and after barely showing a hint of regret, his expression grew back into it's usual cold appearance. His icy gaze stared disdainfully at her lifeless body, only then to sneer and laugh.

"What a shame, what a shame," The raven tom chimed, his warriors mockingly laughing along with their leader. "I suppose you didn't have to kill her after all. StarClan seems to be on your side this sun-rise." Crow'Star paused.

"But not for long."

- - -

Bubbles began to slowly slip from her lips, steadily floating up towards the shining surface. Underwater, she had no distinction of what was up or down just based off of touch. All she could feel was the surreal lukewarm water combing gently through her fur.

Only when her eyes burst open could she know where she was. The molly was suddenly panting, adrenaline pulsing through her veins out of pure fear. Her paws flailed around in attempt to swim upward, but all she could manage was about a tail's length off the sandy seafloor. The surface looked much too out of reach, stretching from distances that seemed as if it was as far away as the sinking sun at dusk.

But even with such lengths away, the glimmering reflection of its surface continued to dance bright teal and white colors on her pelt and the sand. She noticed there was no coral fish in sight, just a barren desert of sand and water. A vast, empty space. A place where she felt like she couldn't hurt anyone, or let anyone hurt her.

Magnolia's quick, panicked breaths soon settled to a steadied pace, her attempts of reaching the surface quickly fading away. Most of her fear seemed to float away, like the bubbles slowly traveling to the surface of the waters. She took a small breath, wary of intaking the burning sensation of saltwater into her lungs. The scent of the ocean lingered on with her breath, and the sound of light waves lapping against each other seemed to hush in her ears.


Gently placing her paw on the softly rippled seafloor, the sand flew up in a mighty cloud, only then to soon dissipate and settle back into the ocean of sand. The gritty, pebbly feeling felt almost soothing to Magnolia, her worries forgotten for barely a few moments.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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