Chapter 9

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- Stars and Ice -

POV: Smoke'Storm
Magnolia is almost constantly busy with her duties as deputy. It left little to no time for us to do anything together. Deputy seems to be stressful. She did take it very well though. Mint paw is doing quite well in training, and RiverClan seems to be thriving again. Every night I drop a small bundle of borage while she sleeps, and I just can't stop. The best part is that in the morning, when she wakes up and finds it by her side, she seems so happy. I want to keep her this way because I know that there is another side to her that needs it.

POV: Narrator
Magnolia constantly kept her borage close, almost never letting it go from her mouth. She cherished it dearly, knowing that someone cared.

Almost every day, she would check on each of the dens, making sure that everyone was safe and comfortable. She wanted to show her clan that is she is worthy of her role, convincing many.

Magnolia sensed the scent of fear in the camp, it's origin, the nursery. She swiftly headed towards the den, peeking her head inside. "Is everything alright in here?" She mewed softly, glancing around. "Night'Kit! Stop your nonsense!" Cave'Petal demanded, her voice strict and firm. Night kit froze, Glass kit's eats pinned back in fear. "I wasn't doing anything." Night kit replied, a sly grin on his face. Magnolia was silent, not wanting to interrupt. "The n-new deputy!" Glass kit exclaimed, bolting behind Magnolia. She smiled in amusement, the timid little kit hiding behind her forelegs. "Your such a scaredy kit" Night kit snickered, laying down near Cave'Petal.  "I'm very sorry for this... nonsense." She glared at Night kit as she spoke, the small kit pinning his ears back in surrender. "Oh, don't worry, I'm just checking in." Magnolia left out the part where she could smell fear in the nursery, because she already inferred that Night kit had picked on Glass kit. The small kit trembled, her tiny legs wobbling. "It's alright Glass kit, when Night kit does this again, just come to me. Or fight back." She whispered, a soft smile upon her face. Glass kit nodded in understanding, slowly peeking out from Magnolia's forelegs. She tumbled towards Cave'Petal, sitting down next to Dawn kit. "I will take my leave." Magnolia meowed, swiftly exiting the nursery. She sighed in relief as she leapt onto the highrock. Smoke and Mint paw entered the camp, the apprentice panting. "Well done today Mint paw!" Smoke congratulated, both heading separate ways. He sat down on the stump, one of his favorite spots to be. "All warriors present, gather around for assignments of patrols." Magnolia yowled, her voice echoing throughout the camp. Many warriors came before her, eager to know if they will be patrolling that afternoon. The small molly glanced around, looking for potential candidates for hunting patrol. "Fire'Stream, Ginger'Fall, and Smoke'Storm, you will be going on hunting patrol." She announced, her gaze on the three felines. The two toms nodded, which only left the small molly."Ginger'Fall?" Magnolia meowed, confused of such hesitation. "I-I uh yes-" Ginger replied, awfully flustered. Magnolia nodded, quickly moving onto border patrol. "Kestrel'Burst, Silver'Shadow and I will be going on border patrol. If you are assigned a duty, please get to the immediately. Dismissed." She mewed, all warriors following her directions.

"Hey Ginger'Fall!" Fire'Stream exclaimed, a joyful smile on his face. "Y-yeah?" She replied, turning her face away. "Are you ready to go now? Like hunting patrol?" His voice was full of excitement and enthusiasm, bounding around the small, blushing molly. "Y-Yeah... I g-guess..." she muttered, standing up. "Alright then let's go Smoke'Storm and Ginger'Fall!~" he bolted out of camp, his energy levels high. Smoke quickly followed, chuckling in amusement of this energetic Tom. Magnolia noticed Ginger'Fall, her legs wobbling. "Ginger'Fall? Is there something the matter?" She whispered, standing in front of the trembling she cat. "I-I... What is w-wrong with m-me..." She stammered, her face becoming a light red in embarrassment. Magnolia's eyes widened. "Is it Fire'Stream?" She mewed, a sly grin upon her face. Ginger'Fall jolted in surprise. "W-wha-" She started to shake her head violently as she spoke, almost like she was trying to get something out of her head. "It is. Isn't it?" Magnolia uttered, looking into Ginger'Fall's light brown eyes. She nodded, tensing up. The deputy smiled, softly speaking. "Love guides your way." Ginger'Fall looked up at Magnolia, a warm smile in a thank you. She quickly exited the camp, following the two toms. Magnolia watched Ginger disappear into the forest, happy that she could help. Suddenly her eyes glowed a light blue, her head lifted. Love is brightest in the dark... A whispering voice flowed inside her mind, her eyes quickly turning back to normal. She glanced around, wondering if anyone saw. Sighing in relief, she padded towards the two warriors near to the killpile. "My apologies for the interruption. Are you two ready?" She meowed, her voice a mix of a stern, warm, and a dignified tone. Kestrel'Burst and Silver'Shadow turned to face Magnolia, only then to speak. "Yes miss." They replied in synchronization, bowing their heads. Magnolia's eyes widened, surprised. "Please, you do not need to bow. I am only a deputy." She assured them, wanting to be treated as an equal. "Alright, if you insist." Silver'Shadow replied, staring into Magnolia's light blue eyes. She nodded in satisfaction, quickly padding out of the camp. Kestrel'Burst and Silver'Shadow at her tail.

Hunting Patrol : Smoke'Storm, Fire'Stream, and Ginger'Fall

"Hey Smoke'Storm can you go to the river to ice fish?" Fire'Stream asked politely, a ulterior motive in his every action. "Sure." Smoke complied, also wanting to pick some borage to give to Magnolia. "We can meet back up at the killpile okay!" The medium sized tom shouted as he rushed off. Ginger'Fall quickly dashed after him, Smoke watching as they vanished behind the hills. He padded towards the half frozen river, large openings in the ice. He glanced below, the surface of the water splashing up and down. The scene flashed in his mind, Smoke collapsing onto the ice. He was panting, and felt like he couldn't move. "H-h-help..." he whispered, straining to speak. He felt dizzy and nauseous, his vision becoming blurry. Smoke's breathing was quick and ragged, staring into the dark waters. From the deep depths of the river, a bright light glowed. It illuminated the rushing waters, Smoke's eyes widening. Magnolia's figure seemed to flicker in the in river, Smoke silent and staring. He could hear her laugh and saw her smiling in the waters. Smoke couldn't help but smile. His body felt like it thawed, allowing Smoke to move. He stood up, glancing around his body. There was no ice. Quickly turning his gaze to waters, he could only find the trickling river. There was no sign of any light. He sighed, leaning closer to the surface of the water. Splashing his head into the dark waters, he swished around in a search of fish. Smoke swiftly spotted a school of migrating salmon, his adrenaline pulsing throughout his body. He opened his jaws slowly, small bubbles floating up to the surface. Smoke waited patiently for the salmon to swim closer, ready to snap at any second.

                        🌟 Bonus! 🌟

              - Love Will Guide You -

POV: Narrator
"So Hey Ginger'Fall... I wanted to ask you something." Fire'Stream mumbled, unsure about what he was about to do. The small molly paused. C-could this really b-be? "So I... Li-" Fire'Stream cut off before saying any more. Ginger'Fall's eyes were wide in anticipation. "I'd like to know more about you!" The tom blurted out suddenly, a weak smile on his face. What! That wasn't what I wanted to say... Ginger'Fall was disappointed, but did not dare to show this. "O-oh..." she muttered, insulting herself to possibly think that Fire'Stream would confess to her. "Yeah! So what is- Uh... your favorite thing to do?" Fire'Stream tried to be smooth, but he had not anticipated this outcome. "Um... I-I like herb c-collecting." She answered, her voice soft and quiet. "That's really kind of you to do that!" The tom complimented, giving a bright smile to Ginger'Fall. She jumped in surprise, quickly turning her head away to hide her blushing face. "T-thanks..." she mumbled, her words barely squeaking out. She closed her eyes and sighed. Love will guide you love will guide you love will guide you... Ginger'Fall repeated in her mind, inhaling and exhaling. "S-so what do you l-like to do F-Fire'Stream?" She mewed, timidly gazing up at the medium sized tom. He was surprised that she spoke, for he knew that she was awfully shy. "O-oh I like to um..." he paused before speaking again, taking a deep breath. "I like being with you." He meowed, blushing slightly. They met gazes, lost in each other's eyes. Love will guide your way.

To be continued...

I just was bored and wanted to do a little love bonus! A little bit about me, the author, my love life has no life. Lol. Or at least my love life shouldn't be alive or else it will be destroyed. My parents have a certain age for me to do so. But I'm not exactly interested in anybody at the moment. I just like to write romance, it's so easy and hooking. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the bonus!

- Your Ambitious Author, moosh_moosh12

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