Chapter 11

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-Leader's Den and a Warning -

POV: Narrator
"Hey Magnolia." Rose'Heart mewed, a sly smirk on her face. "What do you want Rose'Heart?" She growled, glaring at the fluffy she. "Please,
call me Rose." The molly meowed, sitting down in front of the deputy. "I will not fall for your trickery you mousebrain!" Magnolia spat, wanting to claw the grin off of Rose's perfect little face. The molly was shocked, her paw at her heart. "How dare you!" Rose whined, anger in her eyes. The floofy molly slowly unsheathed her claws, hissing. "Do you really, want to fight me? Do you?" Magnolia meowed softly, her voice almost a low growl. Rose'Heart started to tremble, watching the deputy slowly step closer. "Answer me." Magnolia snapped, Rose cowering as she moved closer. "I-I-... N-no..." The fluffy Molly whimpered, Magnolia quickly responding. "I thought so." Magnolia smirked in triumph, standing her ground. Rage started into rise within Rose'Heart, disliking to surrender. Magnolia quickly noticed this, admiring her persistence. Rose'Heart waited till the small molly turned around, swiftly leaping into the air. Magnolia stepped out of the way, locking her gaze on the landing Rose'Heart. She kicked up clumps of the snowy soil as she pounced, pinning the larger molly in the snow. Rose resisted, kicking and yowling as she tried to get out of Magnolia's strong grip. Pushing down harder each time Rose'Heart wriggled. "Think about that next time." Magnolia growled, her eyes seeming to glow in rage. Rose whimpered softly, her fur ruffled and messy. "I'll give you a warning. One that you will remember." She whispered, unsheathing her right claw. She slowly scraped down Rose'Heart's soft underside, not much able to be seen. The fluffy molly beneath her yelped in pain, gasping for air. Gracefully leaping off of Rose, Magnolia sat on the highrock, her eyes seeming to glow as she glared at the frightened molly below her. Rose scrambled to her feet, bolting away in fear. Magnolia giggled in amusement, What a cocky little brat! She felt little to no guilt, gently licking her paw. The small she did not care if anyone had seen what she had done, for she did not care or regret it whatsoever. Smoke had gone off to train with Mint paw, even in the blizzard. Glancing around, she noticed that Oak'Star was nowhere to be seen. Magnolia would walk around, searching for the leader. She could see no more than a tail length away from herself, which was quite a problem. "Has anyone seen Oak'Star?" She meowed, the howling winds covering up her call. Huffing in annoyance,
the best thing that she could do was wait. If she left to search for the leader, there would be no one to look after the clan. Magnolia sighed in concern, leaping onto the highrock. Staring at the entrance to the camp, she waited patiently for Oak'Star's arrival.

The camp was awfully silent, many sheltering from the blistering cold. The sky was covered with dark snow clouds, a dreary gloomy blizzard given to them. Oak'Star padded into camp, glancing around nervously. "Welcome back!" Magnolia exclaimed, a warm smile on her face. "O-oh- My goodness you gave me a fright!" Oak'Star exhaled in relief, still not fully sure if anyone knew yet. "I apologize, for I was just excited for you return." The deputy replied, bowing her head. "Hey! You can't do that!" Mint paw whined, jumping up and down trying to grab an herb from Smoke'Storm's mouth. Chuckling, Smoke dropped the dock leaves, Mint paw quickly snatching it up. "Hmph." She huffed, trotting way to the apprentice den. Smoke headed towards Magnolia, sitting in front of the small she. "Hey." He meowed softly, gazing up at the deputy. "Hi." She responded, gracefully stepping down of the highrock. Sitting close together, their warmth was shared, yet the cold still pierced their pelts. Shivering, Magnolia shifted closer to the tall tom. "We should go into the warrior den, you'll be warmer there." Smoke whispered, gazing down at the small, shivering molly. "I'm sorry, but I won't be going in there any time soon..." She muttered, her paws becoming numb from the bitter cold. "Oh. Right." Smoke mumbled, wondering if there was any other way. "Magnolia'Feather and Smoke'Storm." Oak'Star meowed, staring at the two felines. "You can use my den. I wish for both of you to stay warm during this time." Magnolia's eyes widened in surprise, looking over at Smoke. "Thank you for your generosity." The tom replied, grateful. "I shall care for and help my clan in any way that is possible." Oak'Star replied, happy to assist her deputy. The two warriors passed by the leader, a strange scent surrounding the large molly. Rogue?

It was a scent that could be identified easily, but why did Oak'Star have it? They had no clue. She was known to be loyal and dedicated to her clan, so she couldn't possibly be with rogues.

Smoke sighed, staying close to the small shivering molly as they made their way towards the leader's den. It was a hollow log, small and cozy. The large tom paused. "Are you sure that this is okay with you?" He muttered, slightly blushing. It was a small space, and so they would have to share one bed. Magnolia did not think of this, only of warmth. "What do you mean?" She asked, turning around the face the flustered tom. "I-I mean that we will be sharing a bed..." He mumbled, not daring to make eye contact. Magnolia's eyes widened. "O-Oh... Right... I mean, I'm o-okay with it." She whispered, her face turning a rosy pink in embarrassment. "You can go into the den, I'll be at the entrance if you aren't comfortable. Okay?" He comprised, continuing to pad towards the den. She nodded in agreement, quickly following after. Shuffling inside, she laid down, feeling much warmth coming back into her. Smoke laid down at the opening of the log, snow sprinkling onto his dark black pelt. Magnolia felt some disappointment, wanting him to be warm and sheltered. "Are y-you sure that you d-don't want to come inside?" She mewed softly, scooting a bit further back into the den. "Don't worry about me." He replied, shifting a little closer. Magnolia felt sleepy, her eyelids slightly drooping. Gently laying her head into the moss bedding, she fell asleep. Borage would await her wake. Smoke would silently slink back into the leader's den, dropping a small bundle of borage at her muzzle. Laying down in front of the sleeping molly, he would stare at her sleeping figure, how her chest would rise and fall with each breath. What is this feeling?

To be continued...

Bonjour, it is I, the author. I don't have really much to say this time so, yeah. I hope you have a wonderful day/night!

- Your Speechless Author, moosh_moosh12

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