Chapter 16

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- Her Voice -

POV: Narrator
Magnolia felt her muscles tense as she stared into the tom's deep amber eyes. The warrior was ready to attack at any moment, his paw steps light yet stable. He blended in with the dark night, his pelt showing small specks of silver like the stars. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Magnolia spat, her voice demanding and firm. The figure did not respond in words, but only with a fierce leap towards her with unsheathed claws. The small she quickly stepped out of the way, the tom landing where she was only a heartbeat before. His strength in his landing made the earth crumble below his paws, the rock below him seemed to be cracked. She was shocked by this, giving out a low growl. The tom lunged again, his rage powering his strength. Magnolia did not move, only then when he was a mouse length away did she jump. The tom tumbled to the ground, a bundle of yowling fur below the small she. Struggling to keep him pinned, she pushed down as hard as she could into his chest, feeling her claws dig deep down into his flesh. He had given her a few scratches on her foreleg, but she could not focus on her wounds. The tom yelped, his eyes flaming with anger. "I never lose!" He yowled, kicking and wiggling around to escape Magnolia'a grasp. The small molly scowled, disliking such a cocky cat. She furiously scraped down the tom's soft underbelly, ruthless and painful. The warrior yelped, eyes starting to fill with tears. Quickly noticing this, she stopped, cautiously stepping back. There were two sides of her speaking in that moment, one that wants to be merciless and to continue, and the other wants to let the warrior go. Her stare was a mixture of confused, firm, rageful, and soft. The tom stumbled to his paws, his legs shaking uncontrollably. Magnolia felt sympathy for this warrior, knowing how it felt to be wounded badly. She sighed, taking a step closer with a kind gaze. The tom hissed, his tail fur prickling in a warning. She growled, turning back to face the mothermouth. Wild'Mist was no where to be seen. Taking a few steps towards the opening to the tunnels, she glanced inside. It's dark contents showing no signs of the medicine cat. "Wild'Mist?" She meowed, her voice echoing into the deep void like cave. The warrior watched, his aching wounds piercing and sharp. Magnolia turned back to the tom, meowing firmly. "Go back to your clan. You have much strength. But not much quick wit." The jet black tom slowly nodded, taking one last look at her before he limped away. Wild'Mist darted out of the tunnel, her fur bristling with panic. The small molly was relived of seeing her, giving the med cat a affectionate nudge on her left flank. The dark brown she calmed down, smiling in return of the nudge. "Shall we head back to Riverclan?" The small calico mewed, gently licking her fresh wounds. The med cat nodded in agreement, concerned and confused to see such deep scratches. With a flick of a tail, Magnolia was off, eager to see Smoke and her clan back home.

POV: Magnolia'Feather
The journey back was full of silence and confusion. Why did starclan speak such words? Both Wild'Mist and I were deep in thought, finding ourselves already at the four trees. "Only a bit further. Across the wooden crossing and then, Riverclan." I mewed, feeling relief rush over me. The dark brown molly nodded in understanding, quickly continuing to pad closer to our destination. The sun watched us from high above, its rays seeming to shower us in its light. Blooms of winter flowers arose form the melted snow, it's frosty petals sprinkled with dew. The cold, melted ground felt mushy against my paws, the still surviving tall grasses brushing against my side as I walked by. A fresh scent of Riverclan warriors filled my lungs, my foreleg scratches starting to throb painfully. I winced, my body tensing as I passed closer. Then, a soft rustle was heard in the distance. Figures slinking behind the tall grasses. I stopped, laughing in amusement. "Riverclan warriors. A suggestion, work on your cantering skills." I meowed calmly, a sly smirk on my face. The felines in the shadows stopped, stepping out of the grasses. Wild'Mist was surprised that the leader had not mistaken them for intruders, not knowing until the moment the warriors stepped out. It was Kestrel'Burst, Night'Spade, and Fire'Stream, out on a patrol. Their expressions showed disappointment and frustration, an amusing scene to witness. "Welcome back." They seemed to grumble, dipping their heads in greeting. I returned the bow, striding into the camps entrance. The clan was orderly and well kept, all movement seeming to pause at they stared up at me. I stood my ground, glancing around curiously. Silver'Shadow noticed my presence, giving a soft smile. Quickly returning the smile, I padded up to the highrock. It's slick, smooth surface glistening in the afternoon light. Swiftly leaping onto it, I exhaled. The clan was alright.

POV: Smoke'Storm
Magnolia had come back from the moonstone, a few visible scratches of her forelegs. Everyone seemed to be curious about her wounds, staring at her dark red gashes. She gently licked them, her tongue soft and pink. I couldn't take my gaze off of her. Haven't seen her in a day and a night. She's addicting in some way. I shook my head, my face becoming a bright red. Magnolia paused, her soft gaze landing on the stump I was sitting on. She then lifted it to my blushing face. It seemed like she lit up as she smiled at me, making me blush even more. She stepped off the highrock, gracefully padding towards me. With a swift and silent leap, she was beside me. There was no distance between us, her soft tail brushing against my spine. "How was everything here while I was gone?" She purred, her voice warm and soothing. I jolted, forgotten how soft her voice was. "I-I uh-..." I stumbled on my words, becoming much too tense. Magnolia tilted her head in confusion of my stammering, shuffling my paws awkwardly. I inhaled, and opened my mouth to speak, but before any words escaped my mouth, the small molly placed her paw at my lips. "It's alright if you do not want to tell me, I'm sure you have been quite busy and stressed." She meowed, a mixture of disappointment, concern, and sympathy. Her paw gently slid back down to the other, my mouth still slightly agape. I smiled, shifting closer to Magnolia awkwardly. Her gaze lifted up to meet mine, and she returned the smile with a purr. She leaned her head on my shoulder, her small body seeming to fit perfectly beside me. I could feel her face become warm and pink, her tail curling around her waist. I watched her do so, curling my tail also around her side. She giggled, her face becoming rosy in tone. The sun dived towards the horizon, the blue sky turning into many bright colors. Red, orange, pink, and purple splashed the skies, the sun seeming to wave in goodbye as it slowly vanished behind the hills.

To be continued...

Hi, I soon will not be updating for longer due to my final exams. I will need to be studying a lot, so I won't have much time to write. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have a wonderful day/night!

- Your Slightly Stressed Author, moosh_moosh12

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