-:- Chapter 7 -:-

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- Blackthorn and Bloodshed-

POV: Narrator
"That's the last one." She meowed in pride. Smoke and Magnolia has been collecting herbs all day, a race to get the most. Wild'Mist was surprised, turning around to find a full shelf of herbs. "Your welcome." Magnolia gave a soft smile as she padded out, glad to help. The sun set, both of them admiring the disappearance. The moon seemed to swiftly follow the sun, rising into the darkening night sky. Smoke noticed Magnolia, mesmerized, lost in the moons glow. "I'll be going now, see you in the morning!" He meowed softly, standing up. She just nodded slowly in response, not taking her gaze off of the bright moon. Smoke silently padded out of camp, searching for a certain herb.

It was late now, almost moonhigh. She yawned, stretching out her forelegs. She sleepily shuffled to the warrior den,  eyelids drooping. She laid down onto a moss bed, a soft thump created. The whole den was empty. She curled up, the bitter cold nights breeze hitting her pelt. She hummed herself to sleep, feeling alone and idle.

Smoke slipped from behind the warrior den, a bundle of blackthorn blooms tenderly held in his jaws. He dropped it near Magnolia, swiftly disappearing back into the growth. With a soft rustle, he was on the bank of the stream, his back paw grazing the waters. Smoke quietly padded into camp, turning to go into the warrior den. He found Magnolia, gently shifting her position in her sleep. Smoke lowered his body, not wanting to wake her. Laying down, he glanced over at Magnolia, smiling. He closed his eyes, nudging his nose into the edge of the moss bedding.

Magnolia woke up early that morning, a strong fragrance in the air. She glanced around, yawning. Magnolia's eyes locked on the peach-colored flowers placed at her paws. She was awfully confused. Is this for me? She gently picked up the bundle, feeling warmed inside. How kind of someone to give me these, but who exactly are they? Who could it possibly be? She stepped out of the den, not noticing Smoke'Storm. She sat near the highrock, dropping the blackthorn flowers in front of her. Determination in her eyes, she leaned closer to the borage, searching for a scent. It's overwhelming fragrance covered up the scent of the anonymous giver. She sneezed, the pollen gotten up her nose. Sniffling, she decided to investigate at a later date. Many clan members were awoken by the especially bright dawn, the camp becoming a bustling place. Silent'Star stepped out of his den, stretching. He still seemed extremely exhausted, but he tried his best to hide it. He laid down on the highrock, yawning sleepily. Magnolia swiftly picked up the flowers, gently holding it in her mouth. Smoke was awaken by the sudden bustle of the camp, blinking blankly. He yawned, standing up. Glancing around the camp, searching for Magnolia. He saw her with the borage, smiling joyfully. "Hey." Smoke meowed, sitting down beside her. He held back the urge to smile, happy that she got the flowers. "Hi" Magnolia replied, looking up at the tall tom. They were both silent, not knowing what else to say. "So, someone have some these flowers last night, do you know any possibilities?" Magnolia quickly turned her gaze to Smoke, leaning closer in anticipation. Eager, she tightened her paws. "I- uh.." Smoke frantically looked around, looking for potential fake giver. "Fire'Stream?" Smoke suggested, hating that he had to lie. Magnolia gave a disapproving look. "Silent'Star?" He blurted out suddenly. Magnolia was shocked by his words. Anger grew inside of her, making a low growl. Smoke was frightened, never seen Magnolia so vexed. "Really? You think that Fire'Stream gave it to me?" Her eyes seemed to light up as she spoke. "I'm not going to mention Silent'Star." She whispered, growling again. Smoke chuckled at her sudden changes in emotion, he just couldn't help but smile. "It seems that you have a mysterious secret admirer Magnolia~" Smoke purred teasingly. She only realized then, her face flushing a rosy tone. "Y-Yeah... I guess s-so..." she smiled, warmed inside knowing that someone cared for her. Smoke felt proud of himself, beaming in pride. "Ah, I have to go train Mint paw now. I'll see you later!" Smoke called as he dashed to the apprentice den. Magnolia did not respond. She glanced up at Fire'Stream, wondering if he really was her secret admirer. She had never talked to him before, so she was skeptical. "Warriors gather for patrols!" Oak'Tail yowled, her mood uncertain. Many warriors were quickly at her paws as she was about to speak again. "Hunting patrol. We will have to send out two groups." Many nodded, concerned about the dwindling killpile. "Fire'Stream, Ginger'Fall, and Kestrel'Burst. You will be the first hunting patrol this morning. Silver'Shadow, Magnolia'Feather, and I will go on hunting patrol during the afternoon." She announced, pausing to make sure all warriors heard. She then continued with assigning border patrols, stopping every once in a while to make sure that every warrior understood. "Alright, get to your patrols and duties!" She yowled, all cats swiftly disbanding.

"Well done this morning Mint paw!" Smoke complimented, Mint paw straggling beside him. She was panting and stumbling, it seemed she had a rough training. Smoke went off in search of Magnolia, a glimpse of her silky white fur passing by. "I hope you had a great training session with Mint paw, and I also brought you a sparrow!" Magnolia meowed in joy, the blackthorn flowers and lifeless sparrow dangling from her mouth. "That's very kind of you!" Smoke replied, eyeing the sparrow. Magnolia gently placed it down on the cold stiff soil, nudging it closer with the tip of her paw. He carefully bit off chunks of the small bird, chewing it slowly. Magnolia observed his every action, his peculiar ways interesting her. Smoke felt awkward, trying his best to not make a mess. He felt tense, but somewhat happy that she was curious. Smoke glanced up at Magnolia, staring into her light green eyes. She jolted, "O-Oh s-sorry." She quickly meowed, trying to hide her blushing face. Smoke chuckled, his cheeks full of meat. Finishing up his meal, licking the brim of his lips in satisfaction. "Thank you Magnolia." He meowed gratefully, a small pile of feathers in front of him. "Your welcome." She replied, a soft smile upon her face.

"Someone! Help! Silent'Star is wounded!" Ginger'Fall yowled, her voice trembling and full of concern. Many gasped, fear flooding throughout the camp. Magnolia and Smoke jumped to their feet, rushing towards the trembling warrior. "Show us." They demanded,
Ginger'Fall quickly nodding. They dashed through the forest and clearings, silent and swift. Ginger stopped a mere tail length away, fear encircling her. "T-there..." she mumbled, quickly bolting away. Both Smoke and Magnolia were confused how hurriedly Ginger'Fall was, but knew that they had no time to think of such. They turned to face the limp and lifeless body of Silent'Star, their eyes widening. There were gashes and blood stained his fur. He laid there motionless, three badgers circling around him. They froze, sensing Magnolia and Smoke's presence. They turned to face the felines, hissing and growling in anger. Magnolia quickly got into a fighting stance, Smoke following. They hissed, sharp teeth showing in a warning. The badgers lunged at the two warriors, their movements swift and nimble. Magnolia smirked in a challenge, haven't gotten in a decent fight in many moons. She jumped over the badger, landing right behind it. Unsheathing her claws, he went down into a crouch. The badger showed confusion, which gave Magnolia the signal to pounce. She leapt onto the badger, pushing her claws deep into its fur. It yelped in pain, twisting and turning with much vigor. She pushed harder, her claws barely penetrating its skin. Kicking it's lower back, it yelped once again. "Stop- Moving!" She growled, annoyed with this measly badger. Meanwhile, Smoke kept dodging the badgers attacks, its energy slowly depleting. He panted heavily, continuously moving out of the way. The badger leaped, its long sharp claws extended. He moved to the right, swiping his left claw violently. The badger tumbled to the ground, small gashes in its skin. It stood up, slightly wobbling. Blood dripped from Smoke's paw, growling. They both fought a badger, not noticing the last one at Silent'Star's muzzle. It lifted it's claw, scratching across the leader's face. Silent'Star took his last breath as both Magnolia and Smoke finished off their attackers. The last badger hissed, scampering away. Magnolia collapsed to the ground, her breathing ragged and short. Smoke rushed over to her side, panting. "Breathe just b-breathe..." he whispered, Magnolia nodding. They both turned to face the bloody, frozen body. "Silent'Star?"

To be continued...

Yay, a cliffhanger! Sorry for missing a few days of chapters, I have been quite slow on writing this week. Hope you you enjoyed!

- Your Energetic Author, moosh_moosh12

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