-:- Chapter 28 -:-

68 5 13

- Ice Cold -

POV : Narrator

"Coral'Flame! She is not your enemy. She is your leader!"

The deep, calling voice was familiar to Magnolia, her ears flattening as a roar of victory boomed through the territory.

The silhouette of a large, fit warrior loomed on the highest point of the hollow. His paw laid firm on an unmoving body of another warrior, the flash of lightning revealing his glittering amber eyes and sharp snake-like fangs. The warrior yowled another call, cutting off with a snarl.

"Heavenly Willows is now ours! Leave, and we shall spare y-"

Another silhouette could be seen, lunging out from the shadows and completely knocking over the larger warrior. The figure flinched, their legs becoming slightly shaky. With a steady inhale, they then gazed down at the lifeless body at their paws. They leaned down, whispering a sorrowful goodbye.

The unmoving clusters of warriors and apprentices stared in silence, soon turning back to battling their opponents.

With tearless eyes, the silhouette lifted their head, glaring at the now hissing ShiverClan cat.

"Heavenly Willows will never belong to ShiverClan. Never will we lose it to the paws of this monstrous thievery!" There was heartbeat of silence, before they continued. "The sea lives in each and every one of us. Rise like the waves of the ocean!"

DriftClan warriors roared in response to the mysterious figure's statement, hope flooding into each one of their hearts.

Magnolia's eyes were wide, watching as those calling warriors fought with a speed and strength that had not been there before.

She whipped around, readying a defense against an ambush attack. Her ears were flattened back, her lips drawing back in a snarl. To her surprise, there was only but one silhouette. A mere heartbeat did she drop her guard, remembering that the figure may be still hostile.

She'd inspect the physique of the warrior, straining to familiarize the certain name with the body type.

Another figure leaped out of the undergrowth, bowling over the warrior completely. They began to battle, blood and pain smeared upon the ground.

Lighting crackled down, lighting up the clearing with a dim white glow. It illuminated each and every warrior, making them seem silver furred.

Her head snapped around, wanting to catch a glimpse of the unmasked, heroic figure upon the hill.

The dark grey pelt.

The silvery green eyes.


With outstretched paws, she'd tear through the crowds of battling warriors, bolting through the dark, rainy clearing. She could barely see ahead of her with the pelting raindrops, the sky thundering a growl.

Smoke caught a glimpse of Magnolia darting through the clearing, not yet realizing it was her. With a quick side glance to the undergrowth, he saw two warriors, thinking it was her and Coral'Flame.

He'd huff, about to leap over and tell his fellow warrior again who she was. But the blur of a silhouette got dangerously closer, and he knew that he had to go through them before he even got a chance go towards the undergrowth. With a snarl, he reared up as the figure stopped before him.

The calico she-cat stared up at the tom with relived eyes, completely forgetting that he had not recognized her matted pelt in the dark storm.

Smoke hissed, leaping forward. Each and every moment was a searing pain in his wounds, the rain seeping into each gash with a wasp-like sting. But he persisted. He turned the pain into determination and strength. The dark grey tom slammed Magnolia onto the ground with a heavy thud, knocking every breath from her lungs. The large warrior lifted his claw to strike, his clenched paws firm on her body.

She writhed, yelping weakly. Her eyes glowed a light blue, a glint of hope flickering inside. Just as Smoke's claw came thundering down, she slipped her head the right, grabbing onto his paw.

"I'm sorry!" The molly yelped as she kicked his underbelly, causing his lower body to lift over hers, and to tumble down the hill. The grey tom grumbled as he staggered to his paws, lifting his gaze to meet hers.

Light blue.

Her eyes continued to glow that same color, flickering like a firefly in the night. The large warrior's emerald-grey eyes widened as the piercing memory of that fateful night in the tidal pools flew through his mind. His legs grew weak, and his pupils dilated in shock. He was shaking uncontrollably, and his ears rang a high pitched shriek. It was pure agony, his head spun as his mind recalled every single moment in his life, each one lasting mere milliseconds. The quick beating of his heart added on the the shrill shriek in his ear, his breaths ragged with fear.

Ice cold.

He could barely breathe as the memories reached the present.

"Smoke'Storm! Smoke! Come back to me..."

The soft voice was faint, and distorted with the mixture of shrieks, yowls, and the beating of his heart.


Suddenly, his vision came back and pain flooded his body. He was stiff, his breath hitching as claws raked his throat and underbelly. His voice was hoarse and dry as he yowled in horror. Blood seemed to stream down his pelt, washing onto the drenched ground by harsh raindrops. The tips of his paws began to grow numb, the pain flowing in waves of agony.

His attacker was ruthless, maniacally hissing as he tore out skin and fur.

His dull, pained eyes glanced to the side, seeing as Magnolia fiercely battled the warrior pinning her down. She had yanked their tail, causing the ShiverClan warrior to flip over onto their back with a slam. The she-cat wasted no time, and rushed over to aid Smoke'Storm. She lunged forward, bowling over his attacker in the process. The warrior's hook-like claws teared the grey warrior's skin as they got flung onto the muddy ground. They laid there for a moment, then stumbled to their paws. The figure growled, baring their bloodstained teeth with a snarl.

"You haven't seen the last of us!"

The clearing began to empty of cats, ShiverClan retreating with unsatisfied yowls and growls of anger. They fled the territory, silence washing over. Bodies of weak and dead warriors lay scattered around the grass, DriftClan's victory to be swept away in the ocean of loss.

"Come back to me..."

"No. Not yet. Don't leave!"

"StarClan send him back!"

Sobs and wails of loss echoed throughout the forest, tears adding to the puddles of rainwater on the ground. Forever gone.


Hi there! Sorry for not updating as I should- Just busy is all. I don't have much to say, so good day/night!

- Your unorganized Author, Moosh_moosh12

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