Chapter 14

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POV: Narrator
It seemed to be a dreary night, everyone in the camp confused and solemn. Crickets chirped in the distance, stars flickering in the open night sky. It glittered in the dark, a fascinating sight. Smoke sat in between the two large, smooth, conjoined stones, which made the up highrock. He kept his promise of watching over the clan, making sure that everyone was safe. He only then realized that he couldn't bring her any borage. It was a disappointment for him, knowing that she needed it in this type of situation. Sighing, he shifted his position. The calming sensation of the night breeze ruffled his fur, the light sounds of the trickling stream and the rustling of leaves flooding the silent camp. Smoke stared up at the void of sparkling stars. "At least we're looking up at the same moon." He whispered, his gaze turning to the bright round crescent. It's light spilled onto dewdrops on branches, it's radiant rays sprinkling everywhere it could reach. The large tom smiled, his gaze not leaving the dazzling moon. "Guide her way."

The sun seemed to leap up into the sky, shining it's beams of sunshine down onto the earth. Icicles started to melt, small droplets plipping onto the snowy ground. Magnolia entered the camp, taking a deep inhale before stepping onto the highrock. "Clan meeting!" She yowled, many quickly sitting down, eager to know what they had been hidden from. "As you all know, Oak'Star is gone. She has not passed to starclan, but neither will she be staying in Riverclan." Warriors and apprentices gasped, muttering and whispering erupting from the crowd. "It is a great pain for me to say this, but she has gone off with a rogue. And doing so, she would have to leave her position as leader. She knows of this, and her decision cannot be changed. I'm sure that Oak'Star will be much less stressed there." The deputy meowed, feeling her voice seem to croak the words; 'leave her position as leader'. "And how do you know this?" Someone in the crowd shouted, not believing Magnolia. The deputy was surprised of the question, taking a moment before answering. "I spoke to her myself." Many eyes were wide, and mouths agape, processing what they had just heard. "She has a mate. A kind, protective, loving rogue. He will keep Oak'Star safe. And happy."The small molly added that last part with hesitation. All went silent, taking in all of this much needed information. "And with a heavy heart, I must take her place as leader." Magnolia sighed, feeling like she was replacing Oak'Star. Many forgot about this, having mixed feelings about the molly taking this role. "And before I make the long journey to the moonstone, I must appoint a new deputy to take my place." She felt excited, now having the authority to choose a warrior to step up into a higher position. Glancing around, her gaze fell on the half hidden Smoke'Storm. She tilted her head in the question if he wanted to be deputy. Smoke shook his head, knowing that such a role was difficult. Magnolia stared down at the array of warriors, looking for a loyal, kind, caring, and strong feline to be by her side. Her eyes landed on a familiar face, a warm smile appearing as she softly purred. "May Starclan approve of my choice." She inhaled, then speaking again. "Silver'Shadow. Do you promise to care for, protect, and stay by my side till your last breath?" She meowed, her voice firm and hopeful. Warriors heads turned to gaze at the wide eyed tom. He smiled, bowing his head respectfully. "It would be an honor." He meowed, lifting his gaze from the ground to stare into Magnolia's light blue eyes. Her seriousness seemed to fade as she spoke. "You are now the official deputy of Riverclan!" She yowled, her voice echoing throughout the camp. Yowls of joy and rejoice erupted as Silver'Shadow gracefully stepped onto the smooth highrock. "Now, I must make the long journey to the moonstone. Silver'Shadow will be in charge while I am absent." She took one last glance at her new deputy, his nod signaling her that he understood. "Clan dismissed." The clan disbanded, going off to continue their duties. Gently leaping down from the highrock, Wild'Mist headed her way, bowing her head in respect. Magnolia returned the bow, flicking her tail in a signal to follow her. Smoke was going to speak, his words vanishing they escaped his throat. With a blur of Wild'Mists dark brown tail, the two were gone. Sighing, he tensed up, feeling useless and unseen. Why am I like this...

Magnolia kept a steady pace, Wild'Mist panting and about a tail length away. "We must reach the moonstone by dusk. Leaving the clan alone for too long will be dangerous." The new leader meowed firmly, seeming to walk quicker than before. "W-wait-" Wild'Mist squeaked, her voice coarse and croaky. The small she looked back, sighing as she stopped walking. "I suppose we can stop to rest." She meowed, feeling disappointment washing over her. "T-thank you." The medicine cat panted, her legs wobbly and her strength depleted. Magnolia glanced around, they had past the fourtrees, but there was still a long way to go. The sun had grabbed the peak of the blue sky, its rays sprinkling the small molly's pelt. The two were silent, taking in the cool damp air. What a wonderful day to be traveling. Snow melted beneath her paws, the small molly's tail swishing in content. A few minutes past, Wild'Mist's breathing going back to normal. "Shall we continue?" Magnolia mewed softly, staring into the med cat's dark amber eyes. She nodded, the small molly bounding forward. The medicine cat quickly followed, almost regretting her decision.

They had passed dark forests and open clearings, Magnolia not slowing down at any cost. Upon reaching a massive piling of rock, the two knew that they were at the mothermouth. The sun was diving down into the horizon. They reached the entrance to the cavern, it's dark contents spilling a fearful aura.   Wild'Mist's ears pinned back, frightened. Magnolia stared into the deep, echoing void of darkness, the sun vanishing beyond the forest. She stepped inside, seeming to be engulfed by darkness. "The moonstone awaits us."


Hi, it's me the author! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Writing this book was truly an fantastic experience, and I just wanted to let all of you know. Again, thank you, and have a lovely day/night!

-Your Devoted Author, moosh_moosh12

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