-:- Chapter 3 -:-

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- The Glow -

POV: Narrator

Smoke'Storm swiftly slipped away, Magnolia's humming slowly fading into silence. He needed to focus on what really mattered.

Lowering his body near a tall mangrove tree, a pungent scent of a bird flooded the area. Smoke stalked, not daring to make a single sound.

A young seagull landed onto a thick layer of piled mud, it's thin legs disappearing as it sunk to its underbelly. It hobbled around, trying to hop around in a search of scraps and insects.

The tom licked the rim of his lips as he crawled along the prairie grasses, dry dirt clumps brushing along his belly fur. He slowly got closer, the seagull unaware of his presence. With a single, precise pounce, his right claw pinned the gull's feathery tail. It shook violently, trying to wriggle free from Smoke'Storm's strong grasp. Snow and feathers flew in a whirlwind of fear as the seagull struggled with all its might. He tightly shut his eyes as he laid the last blow. When Smoke opened his eyes, the seagulls body was limp and lifeless, it's small beady eyes glazed over with no emotion. Releasing a sigh, he picked it up by its wing, the rest of it's body swaying in effect of his movement.

He glanced up at the blue abyss, the sun blazing high in the sky.

Dashing through the fern tunnel, he kept his gaze straight ahead. He entered the camp panting, the dead gull swinging weakly. Magnolia had arrived at the fresh killpile earlier than the tom, and it seemed as if this was her second visit there.

With the mere opening of her mouth, a massive crab and a small lizard thumped onto the pile of other fresh-kills. Smoke would be astonished of her hunting skills, staring at her recent catches.

"Woah." The tom would whisper as he had his mouth slightly open in awe. He dropped the gull into the pile as he continued to gaze down at her fresh-kills. Magnolia stared at her catches with complete disappointment.

"At least it's better than my prey." Smoke chuckled, glancing down at his ruffled bird.

The calico she gave a weak smile, still not convinced that it was enough. Nothing seemed to be good enough for her anymore. Not after-

"Would you like to go for another round of hunting? I don't think a small seagull will be satisfactory." He suggested, noticing her glum look.

Magnolia would be surprised that he saw right through her, usually nobody would notice how she was truly feeling.

Quickly nodding, she took in a deep inhale.

You're better than this Magnolia. You know you are.

She pelted herself with unrealistic expectations, feeling constantly pressured to be someone that she wasn't. Outbursting was imminent.

Smoke bounded out of camp, the calico she at his tail. They swiveled and swerved at times, uncommunicative if they were going to split up or not. Halting at the Golden Steps, a piling of sandstone, the tom glanced around to make sure he was heading in the correct direction.

Magnolia spotted an unknown warrior slinking around in the shrubs across from the sandstone.

It must be ShiverClan. Those rascals think that they could just waltz into our territory with no worry!

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