Chapter 13

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- Gone -

POV: Narrator
Magnolia fidgeted nervously as she stared at the entrance of the camp. Smoke and Oak'Star gone... Will they ever come back? Riverclan warriors noticed this, trying to comfort her. "I'm sure that they're alright Magnolia." They weren't even very convinced themselves, worried for their clan member, and their leader. Smoke abruptly rushed in, panting and exhausted. "Smoke!" Magnolia meowed, a smile spreading across her face as she quickly ran up to the tired tom. "I'm so glad you're back!" She exclaimed joyfully, Smoke returning the smile. Magnolia looked behind the large tom to find the empty entrance. "Where's Oak'Star?" She whispered, her worry seeming to rush back to her. Smoke knew that she would ask, but didn't know how to answer. "She's..." He started to say, hesitant and uninformed. "She won't be a part of Riverclan any longer, but neither will she be a part of starclan." He mumbled, not wanting anybody but Magnolia to hear. "W-What...?" She was awfully confused, her concerned replaced. "I'll tell you what I know later privately." Smoke meowed, padding back out of camp. "W-wait-" Magnolia tried to stop him, but he was already gone. Warriors and apprentices looked to Magnolia, their faces showing the question, What do we do now? "Everyone, I'm sure at everything will be alright, please go on with your duties as for today." She announced, many obliging.

It was a busy noisy day, the herb shelves almost empty, the killpile was dwindling quickly, and there seemed to be more foxes around. She didn't have enough time to have another problem. Sighing, she closed her eyes for a moment. Opening her eyes, she stepped off the highrock. Night'Spade and Rose'Heart were sitting near the elder den, the large tom glaring at Magnolia as she stepped down. Rose'Heart was fake trembling, a small smirk appearing on her face as she saw the deputy look their way. Magnolia did not fear Night'Spade, scoffing in disdain. She strode towards the two, laughing to herself. The large tom's eyes widened in surprise and slight fear. "So you know?" She whispered, holding back to urge to unsheathe her claws. "And what if I told you she did tell me?" He retorted, shifting closer to Rose. "You're too obvious." She snickered, a psychotic grin spreading across her face. Night'Spade started to feel fear stab his body, Rose noticing this. What a useless imbecile! The fluffy she frowned in dissatisfaction and rage. "And what are you going to do about it?" Magnolia meowed softly, her voice almost mocking. Night was speechless, opening his mouth to speak, no words escaping. "You didn't have the right to do such things to me! You're deputy for goodness sake!" Rose'Heart snapped, almost screaming as she stood up. Magnolia did not flinch, staying silent and motionless for a moment. She let out a demonic laugh, quickly speaking. "The right to do so? How hilarious. And yes, I am deputy. Is that going to stop me? No." Magnolia growled the word 'no' , her eyes seeming to glow in anger. Rose'Heart cowered, her ears pinning down as she stepped back. "Now I don't have time to quarrel with you. There is much more dire needs at the moment. I'm sure you two can make yourselves useful in some way, perhaps to not plan revenge on me?" Magnolia meowed, swiftly padding out of the camp. Rose'Heart and Night'Spade were left stunned, their fear still lingering.

Magnolia could not notice that she was repeating her actions in many ways. She does regret what she did on that very day, but could not see that she was doing it again. After the incident, she did not regret anything. She thought that she knew not to do the same thing again. In doing this, it resulted in Magnolia not seeing that she was repeating herself. Hurting others in her clan. Blinding herself.

Magnolia glanced around, wondering where Smoke had gone off to. She searched around, padding through the forest and clearings, with no luck of finding the tom. "Smoke! Smoke?" Cracked ice flashed inside her mind feeling like she had been struck in the head with a blow of a claw. She gasped for air, now knowing where he was. She sprinted towards the rivers edge, stopping at the snowy banks. "For Smoke. For Riverclan." She whispered, hesitating to step into the bitter ice. It was slick and smooth, Magnolia knowing of this. Watching each footstep, she made her way into the middle of the frozen river. "Smoke'Storm!" She shouted, a shadow appearing out of the forest. "There you are." He meowed, stepping into the light. The small molly sighed in relief, slowly sliding closer. "Please tell me these things, why here? And what happened?" She pleaded, Smoke expecting this. "From what I saw, Oak'Star has a mate. A rogue." He muttered, staring into Magnolia's light blue eyes. Her paws could not stay in place, feeling wobbly and unstable. Smoke chuckled in amusement, sliding closer to try and assist her in some way. "And?" Magnolia needed to know more, she needed answers. Or that's what she thought. "And I guess she will not be coming back to Riverclan." He added, feeling pierced by the claw of truth. Magnolia was silent, processing what he had told her. "Oh. Okay." She did not have much to say, feeling exhausted. Smoke was surprised with such an answer. "You're leader now Magnolia." He remarked, wanting to make sure that she knew. The small she stopped moving, her eyes wide. "L-leader." She stumbled on her words, not able to believe what he had just said. Smoke nodded, disliking to tell her so many things at once. They both were silent, not knowing what to say. The trickle of the melting stream filled their ears, a calming sound. Magnolia sighed, shaking her head in frustration. "Give me one night. I'll be back at dawn." She meowed, trying to hide the worry in her voice. "Alright. I will watch over the clan while you are absent." Smoke assured her, his voice trailing off as she was already gone. It was dusk, but it felt like it had been multiple moons. The sun set, the horizon slipping out of its grasp. I'll see you tomorrow.


Hi! The author here. I have been roleplaying as a different character, so I'm also going to make a book about it! I don't have anything really more to say, so I hope you have a absolutely wonderful day/night!

-Your Informative Author, moosh_moosh12

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