Chapter 21

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- Duty -

POV: Narrator
"Can we stay here? For a bit?"

Smoke's voice was irresistible, a beg that nobody could turn down. His eyes were beady and charming, and it seemed as if he was a kit asking his mother.

Magnolia held her breath as she stared into his greenish-gray eyes. She gave a hesitant nod, and the tom's expression lit up.

"Really?!" Smoke mewed, his eyes wide and gleaming.

"Y-yes..." The she mumbled, turning her gaze away to avoid any type of eye contact.

I suppose he must have hit his head. He's acting quite silly.

Smoke purred, and shoved his face back into the molly's fur. She yelped in surprise of the sudden movement and her head snapped back to the tom's face. She was about to protest, but her words refused to leave her lips.

Something about her adored that goofy side of him, a part of her wanted to see his other sides that were unknown to her. She felt as if there was a certain amount of time to learn more about him, like he would disappear any second.

Glancing through the patchy leaves, she saw the Riverclan camp. There were warriors circling around the clearing, seeming to be looking for someone. They were yelling a name that was unrecognizable from her distance. Magnolia brushed it off, forgetting that she now had the duty of lead.

Soft purrs of content were heard from the tom, nuzzling his cheek on her neck. Not used to such intimate touch, she was tense.

"My Magnolia'Feather~" He whispered, a sly and drunk like smirk plastered on his face.

The molly was silent, her face heating up with a rosy blush. She liked how he said her warrior name instead of her current leader label.

Lea- der.

She repeated the word in her mind, her eyes widening slowly. She snapped her head around to see the camp again.

They're looking for me... Aren't they...

She felt anger and sadness rise in her, her teeth gritting and her tail lashing as she curled her paws tightly.

Is this what my purpose is?! Being constantly busy, burdened, and followed by cats that will only say things that I want to hear?

The molly glanced back down at the wide eyed tom.

"A-are you angry with me?... Are you going to leave?" He whimpered, his paws shuffling nervously for her answer.

She let out a heaving sigh before speaking.

"Please, I will never be angry with you. But I do have to leave." She meowed cooly, her eyes trailing down to his tattered body.

Smoke curled his lips into a frown, still unsatisfied with her answer.

"Can you walk-" The she was cut off by the tom's movement. He had put his body half on top of hers, making it almost impossible to escape his grasp.


The tom chuckled, curling his fluffy tail around her back leg.

She gave him a pout, puffing out her cheeks in protest. He made sure that he was not crushing her, but also that his sensitive, wounded areas were not effected either. Stuck in a questionable position, she hid her face behind the safety of her paws. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies as she felt the strange feeling once more. Again, she didn't want or hurt him, but she needed to return to the camp.

"I'm coming with you."

Magnolia stopped moving, lifting her head to gaze up at the ravishing tom above her. His gaze was steady and serious, unlike the beady, begging eyes just before. She would just give a slow nod, mesmerized with his voice and beauty. Smoke would give her a soft smirk, and a chuckle of amusement. Stepping off of her, he would flinch in pain. One of his scrapes had opened wider, blood trickling down the scarlet slit. It throbbed, feeling as if it someone was prying it out. A painful expression reminded the molly of his wounds.

"You're hurt. It's dangerous for you to go down at the state you're in. We are quite high from the ground-" She would be cut off by the tom rushing toward her. He put his chin on her neck, a gentle purr erupting from his throat.

"I'm not letting you leave without me." He meowed, his voice deep and firm.

This is awfully unfair...

You can't possibly leave me after this~

Smoke stepped back, his gaze steady, and filled with stubbornness.

The molly held her breath, hesitant to speak.

"I suppose you can..." She murmured, disliking how quick she had fallen in.

The tom nodded, his expression blank. It was difficult for him to disguise his joy and victory. The side of his lip curled up in a grin as the she-cat turned.

"Now, you better take it easy or else I'm going to claw your face if you get hurt again." She scoffed, in attempt to distract him from her rosy face.

"I know you won't do that~" The tom cooed, his tone playful and teasing.

The she-cat rolled her eyes, but deep down, she knew he was right.

Hopping down, she gracefully landed on a lower branch. Her gaze lifted to the tom, his eyes hesitantly glancing below. It was quite a jump. He felt the blood pounding in his ears as he tensed. With a wobbly launch, he leapt down. His landing was klutzy, but he had a reasonable excuse for it. The molly gave him a reassuring smile as she continued to dart from each branch. Smoke followed behind, his haunches throbbing with each leap and landing. Quickly after noticing this, Magnolia slowed down her pace. His legs were wobbly with pain, his vision becoming blurry as his head spun dizzily. Flinches of pain flashed in his facial expressions, his body swaying unsteadily.

Hang in there...

The molly had paused, patently and worriedly waiting for the injured tom. He was still far up in the tree, quite a distance from her. The she slightly squinted her eyes in a concerned expression. Limping down the giant oak tree, each step was agonizing for Smoke'Storm. And despite of this, he continued to persist. After what felt like many moons, he had dragged himself to the she-cat's side.

"Please do not hesitate to ask me for a rest. You really shouldn't be doing this in the state you're in." There was deep worry in her voice, almost trembling as she spoke.

It was challenging for the tom to speak, out of breath from the grueling journey down the oak tree.

"I assure you, I am capable to do this. Just trust me."

Hi! Moosh_moosh12 here. I am just anticipating a question that you may have.

How MASSIVE is that Oak tree?!

My simple answer : It is the largest tree in the forest shores. Referenced from "Totoro" and redwood trees. And also since this is only but a story, I can make anything happen. The fantastic magic of writing.

Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely day/night!

- Your Whimsical Author, moosh_moosh12

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