-:- Chapter 4 -:-

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- Wilt -

POV: Narrator

"Goodnight Smoke'Storm." The calico she-cat mewed, her voice filled with exhaustion.

"Goodnight." Smoke whispered in reply, watching the small molly trudge towards the warrior den to rest.

Observing intently, the dark gray tom made sure she made it to the den safely. Slowly pushing through the kelp entrance, she disappeared into the safety of the den.

I should rest as well... But first-

Smoke smiled at his idea, a fluttery feeling blooming in his stomach. Standing up on his paws. He bounded out of the camp, in search of  his surprise.

POV: Magnolia'Feather
I flipped down on an empty moss bed, not even trying to be quiet. Warriors stirred in their sleep as I made myself comfortable. Nuzzling my muzzle into the edge of the bedding, I sighed. It had been a long and grueling day. I drifted off to sleep, dreams whirling inside my mind. It started out like a light breeze, but quickly changed into an intense hurricane of thoughts. My eyes snapped open as I sat up, tensely panting.

I felt so tired and drained, yet I felt like I could never fall asleep again.

Every time I closed my eyes it was him. A single, cold tear rolled down my cheek. I tried to be discreet, but I couldn't help but sniffle. I bit my bottom lip unknowingly, anger beginning to rise within me. His cold stare pierced my heart, and what made it worse was the molly he left me before was at his side. Smirking. She was a master of manipulation, using this skill to turn my mate into her personal puppet.

That wretch of a cat! And that bastard who fell for her trickery!

I could not help but yowl inside, feeling a tornado of rage, pain, and sadness.

Love. A confusing, powerful word. I cannot understand it's meaning, especially after the incident.


There were much too many pieces for me to collect on my own, so I gave up. Nobody would help me anyway. I didn't trust anyone to assist me. I decided to learn how to live independently, surviving in my own isolated world. Love is useless, giving up so much time and energy into something that is bound to break.

My parents did not seem to have a family connection with me. Being the runt of the litter, I was despised. But once I grew up, they praised me for my looks.

A hollow liking. Empty words.

I curled up into a tight ball as I shut my eyes. Brimming with tears, I let out a shaky breath. My tail wrapped around by lower back, a futile attempt to retain my heat. But it didn't seem to be working.

Will anyone keep me warm? My light is dwindling...

- - -

POV: Narrator

Smoke paced nervously around the empty clearing, sand and pebbles being flung from his heels. A branch of juniper berries was in his jaws, shaking furiously as he padded around the area in a circle. The tom wasn't sure, being awfully hesitant. His confidence slowly depleted as he thought of all of the possible scenarios. He knew that juniper berries were her favorite. Smoke contemplated, wondering if he could possible give them to her. Suddenly pausing, he gently placed the branch as his paws. He stared at it, deep in thought. Small dewdrops covered the leaves and the fruits, beautifully glimmering in the moonlight. Silent as an eel, he shuffled his paws with nervous tension.

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