Chapter 17

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- Questions -

POV: Narrator
The skies presented a brilliant arrangement of colors as the sun slowly slipped behind the horizon. Smoke and Magnolia sat peacefully on the stump, both of their faces rosy in color. The large tom noticed that the molly beside him shuffled closer, feeling herself get slightly cold. Smoke seemed to then caress her waist with his tail, his gaze lowering to the small she. Magnolia let out a small squeak in surprise, her face becoming a bright red in embarrassment. Smoke chuckled, enjoying her cute sound. The small she had her gaze on her paws, feeling claimed and protected. The large tom smirked, giving an affectionate lick on her ear. Frozen, she was stunned. In giving the molly another brush on her waist, Smoke waited for a reaction. It took a few seconds before there was any answer. "I-I have t-to go-" Magnolia mumbled, darting away as fast as her legs could take her. The tom chuckled in amusement, already missing her warmth. Curling up on the moist stump, he laid his head down. He slowly closed his eyes as the sun vanished beyond his sight. Dark blues and purples seeped out from the east, it's colors spreading as if spilled. Stars started to appear, sprinkled across the dark canvas of the night sky. Hidden behind some ferns, Magnolia stared into the trickling stream's surface, her reflection barely visible in the dark waters. But in spite of that, she could still see the obvious red tone on her face. "Why a-am I like t-this..." she whimpered, insulting herself internally as she remembered her actions. The calming sound of the river and the forest soothed her, it's soft whisper echoing in her ears. With a sigh, she peeked through the wall of large ferns. With her entrance clear, she silently slinked inside camp again. The small she took three steps towards the warrior den, before quickly pausing. Oh right... I'm a leader. Turning back around, her gaze landed on the hollow log. The leader's den. After a few moments, she padded closer. Glancing inside, it was welcoming and empty. There was only but a moss bed and a twig. All the past leaders had been in that very den. Magnolia felt honored as she stepped inside. Have I been in here before...? With a quick flash, the very scene flickered inside her head. She and Smoke had slept in there together. Her face felt warm again, quickly laying down as she tried to hide it. "G-Goodnight." She mewed softly, fluttering her eyes closed.

It was moonhigh, a dark figure swiftly moving around in the forest growth. Smoke'Storm glanced through the wall of ferns, a bundle of borage kept safe in his jaws. Slipping inside, he stood on top of the hollow log. Small clumps of snow scattered the surface of the wood, making it moist and slightly unstable. The back of the den had a small opening, just perfect enough for Smoke to slide his muzzle inside. Opening his mouth, the borage slid down the sloped den, stopped by a twig. Satisfied, he wriggled his nose out of the hole, and stood up. He took one last glance back at the den before silently leaping away.

The flame. It will be doused with water. In a quick flash, the fire will be left in embers. It is inevitable.
Then will it completely lose all of its light. Left as ashes. Only a few sticks surviving. Darkness engulfing everything in sight. Can you even see in the first place?
A single spark will relight your once burning fire. Bursts of light erupting in the darkness. A fire cannot last forever unless cared for. Yours left by a blind caregiver. Not knowing or seeing it's needs.
Stars. They shine brighter as the sky darkens into the night. During the day, when there is plenty of light, you cannot see them. Only when it is covered in darkness will it shine.
Love is brightest in the dark. Can't you see that?

Magnolia awoke with a gasp, her eyes wide and filled with terror. Panting heavily, her breath was seen in the cold air. She felt dizzy and confused, a voice, it seemed like multiple, were speaking to her. It still echoed in her ears, wincing as her head throbbed. The flame? Ashes? A spark? Stars? It all did not make sense to her. Everything felt like a blur to her in that moment. So many questions that she needed answers. A gust of wind flew into the hollow log, it's chill filling her lungs. Frost seemed to appear on her pelt, her fearful gaze watching silently.

A familiar scent was detected. Borage. It's sweet fragrance filled her den as she glanced around. The twig had been replaced by the comforting blue flowers. All fear seemed to vanish as she smiled. Crawling closer, she gently nibbled at its stem, it's bitter taste making her nose wrinkle. She grabbed the borage, shrinking back to place it perfectly in the middle of the moss bed. Curling up around the fragrant flowers, she exhaled. The mysterious giver still cared for her. Her breathing slowed to a steady pace, her tail twisting around her hind leg. "Thank you." She whispered, her smile growing as she stared at the borage. Her heart felt thawed and she glanced back at her haunches. There was no frost. The moon gave off a warm hue of its rays, the small openings in the den welcoming  it inside. Fireflies twinkled around the hollow log, their wings stiff and slightly frozen. Hesitantly laying her head down, Magnolia sighed. What am I going to do about this...

It was a dreary, windy morning, the sun's rays blocked by towering clouds above. It's shadows cast the clan into much darkness, many disappointed to see such weather. Smoke stepped out from the warrior den, closing his eyes as he felt the strong and wistful wind swirl around his body. It was calming to him. The breeze ruffled his dark grey fur, his tail swaying gently in satisfaction. Dark, thundering clouds were seen up ahead as he opened his eyes. He sauntered down the sloped path, feeling different in some way. A single droplet of rain fell onto the tip of Smoke's muzzle, his gaze lifting to the massive, intimidating cloud above. It cackled with bolts of lightning, booming thunder, and a downpour of rain. Many were frightened by this very sudden storm, and dashed for shelter. The large tom stood perfectly still, his fur matted with rainwater. His eyes were closed again, taking in all that was happening in that moment. Then, a soft voice seemed to whisper in his ear.

The flame. It will be doused in water...

The voice trailed off, unknown of what they were going to say. He was confused. Who was the voice? What did they want to say? Why?


I'm so sorry I haven't been updating! I have been really busy and my friend moved away, so it didn't leave a lot of time for me to write. Thank you so much to all of you who read my book, 173 of you! I truly appreciate every single one of you and thank you again!

- Your Joyed Author, moosh_moosh12, or Lily!

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