Ch 3 - Mer Of The Surface

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While magic and mythical creatures lived in the ocean, up on the surface lies the dangers that every oceanic creature fears - the humans

They had no tail, no gills, nor a fin, and their fangs were not like a predator, but it was still enough to kill any sea animal

Fishermen grabbed their nets as they managed to get a catch. Tons of fish jumped as they wanted to jump out of the boat, but the humans stopped them from going

At the beach, kids played and families swam. They never drew near to the deepest areas of the ocean, unless they were surfers, for they had courage to surf the waves

"THIS IS AMAZING!" a boy yelled, surfing with his purple board and a green swirl in the center. He balanced well and had not fallen off nor had a wipeout

He arrived at the beach and grabbed his board. "Come on! It's fun!" he calls to a boy who was sitting down under the shade of an umbrella

"No thanks, Karl!" he yells and grabs a book to read. He felt a ball hit his book away from his hands. "George! You're always this lazy! It's the beginning of summer! Have some fun!" Karl says as he grabs his board

"I'm not into surfing in those...dangerous waves," George says and shivers at the possibilities of what could happen if a wave were to knock him out

He was once a surfer, fearless of the giant waves, surfing on them smoothly and almost professionally, but when he was knocked by a big wave, he lost his balance and the waves sunk him deep into the ocean floor

Sharp corals made small cuts on his legs and arms. Small amounts of blood poured and noticed a giant fish swimming in his direction

He swam in fear as the shark nearly grabbed one of his limbs. "SHARK!" he yelled as the lifeguards had saved him. Ever since that day, he feared the water, ocean to be precise

He would rather go in a pool where its closed and safe rather than in an ocean where it's full of dangerous animals and possibly, mythical creatures that may or may not exist

Karl swam out and grabbed his board. He sighed as he noticed his friend just sitting in the shade. He knew George's reason, but he was trying to get him back into the water

"George, want to grab something to eat?" Karl asks as George nods and stands up. Both run towards the small concession stands near the roadwalk of the beach

They ordered hot dogs and chips with sodas. They sat on the beach chairs and ate their food as they watched the waves crashing the water and the beach

"So George, did you hear that there will be a competition for us surfers?" Karl asks as he takes a big bite out of his hot dog and munches happily

George: I heard. You're entering?

Karl: Of course! I plan on entering you!

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