Ch 24 - Reconciliation

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"None of the guards would ever harm the Beacon!" Queen Solstice was upset. Dream just fiddled with his fingers as the mershark stood up

"If you don't want to do our prophesy, it's fine. I understand," Solstice was just leaving, but felt a hand on her finger

She looked down, seeing Dream's emerald eyes stare in her dull gray ones. She blushes, not knowing what he was doing to make her feel this way

"I will do your prophesy. Whatever it is, I will complete it," Dream uses his head to rub on the queen's finger, making her turn red and squeal

"M-M-My Beacon!! W-W-What was t-that f-for?" She stutters, still stunned by his adorable actions as he smiled, "Take me to the Hall."

The queen smiles and wipes a tear. She opens the door, letting Dream out as the merman swam towards the hall

Every mershark watched in awe. They eyed the Beacon as he passed them. He smiles and they all follow him as they made their way to the Hall

Solstice swims in front and gets their attention. All mersharks tried to keep their eyes on her, but they kept watching Dream as he motioned his head to look at her

"People of the Great White Kingdom! It has been ages since our last Beacon appeared to us! Today, the new Beacon will complete our prophesy!"

Everyone cheered as Dream waves shyly. The king appeared and bowed as Dream swam towards them, seeing them move aside as he saw the painting

"For our prophesy, we were told that you will reunite us with the other kingdoms by fighting alongside us against a great enemy!"

Dream gasped, unexpected about this. Every prophesy had something to do with giving or using magic, but never to battle

He sighed, knowing it was their only hope. He couldn't tell who the great enemy was, but it seemed as if with his arrival, it will bring them back together

"I will do my best," Dream says as the crowd cheers. "Let us celebrate for the Beacon's return!" The king announces as everyone swims away

"It has been ages since a Beacon has spoken to us! You are such a beauty as always," The queen says as Dream gets close to her face, giving her a kiss on her cheek

He also did the same to the king, and both covered their faces and squealed as Dream giggles, "I have that effect on many."

The mersharks brought the dishes as Dream gasps. For not doing a Beacon tradition, their meals looked delicious!

He ate the meat and melted. It was a whole lot different. He ate as the mersharks wanted to talk with him, but their voices overlapped, making him uncomfortable

"Leave him be!" a teenage female mershark growls, "Can't you see he's cowering?" They all apologize to Dream as he thanks her

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