Ch 18 - Boardwalk Mayhem

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Karl hugged George as both mermen looked up. No boats were in sight, and the sun was replaced with the moon in the sky

"We have to go back," George said as Karl nodded. They swam away, saying goodbye to Makara as the dragon bowed its head

"Let us come with you," Dream said as he and Sapnap followed the human mers. "No. It is too dangerous for you to come," George said, still worrying of seeing his father

"Please?" Dream begged as he grabbed George's finger. He held on tight as George tried taking him off from his finger, but he wouldn't budge

George looked into Dream's emerald eyes and just sighed, "Fine, but you must do as I say, because I am scared my dad will find out about you."

Dream just squealed with happiness, making George blush and cupped his hands around the Beacon, holding him close as the 3 mermen swam towards the beach Karl's home is close to

"We need to jump out," Sapnap said as he pointed at the waves softly crashing towards the damp sands

Sapnap gained speed and jumped, landing face first on the dry warm sand. Karl and George did the same and the 3 coughed out the sand they swallowed

"Ugh!" George says as he spits out the sand. Dream was fine, but he needed water to keep his tail wet

For George and Karl, their tails became legs as soon as they got out. For Sapnap, it was taking him longer as George and Karl helped him

"Hold on!" George places Dream on his shoulder and the merman holds onto George's hair, seeing them drag Sapnap all the way towards Karl's house

Karl ran inside, then came back opening the backdoor as George pulled Sapnap up the stairs, Karl helping as they dragged the merman towards the bathroom

"Is your mom here?" George asks, and sighs when Karl shakes his head. George runs towards the kitchen, grabbing a bowl of water, and placed Dream inside for him to swim around

George: We need to make ourselves blend in the crowd

Karl: I do remember tomorrow, the docks are having a carnival fair

George: Great! But how will we take Dream with us?

Karl: Use clear bags filled with water

George: But I'll have to keep it hidden at all times. If anyone sees Dream, we're doomed!

Karl: Only you know how to keep him safe. You managed to hide him from your mom

George: I was at home!

Karl: When you came to my house with him

George: Oh! I remember

Sapnap stepped out as he had a white towel on his neck. He walked out and sighed, "How come it took you 2 for the water to dry?"

"Because we're used to land?" Karl guesses as Sapnap simply nods. "We're going to a fair, and we want you to see a few of our traditions on these beaches," Karl says excitedly

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