Ch 11 - Excited

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George woke up and noticed his fish swimming peacefully. He then noticed a tiny merman swimming around, remembering the events of last night

"Hey Dream," George called, startling the tiny merman. "Yeah?" he answers. His voice so adorable when he said it! It caused George to blush

"Why is it that you turn red?" Dream asks as George turned deeper red and stuttered, "I-It j-j-just m-m-m-means...uhh...j-just..."

He couldn't speak. He was too embarrassed to answer. "Can you humans turn into different colors?" Dream asks as George tried to think of a few

George: We can turn blue, for too cold, white for being scared, green, slightly, for being awfully sick, and red...for...uhh...being angry?

Dream: But you were panicking. Is it a different type of red?

George: In a way

Dream: Cool! I want to try!

George: Uhh...which one?

Dream: Any!

George is not going to harm the merman in any way. The only color he would let him do is red for falling in love, or maybe for anger, but Dream seemed fascinated with the red

"Maybe later. Karl invited me to go for a swim. He's filling the pool with clean natural water because he wanted you to come as well."

Dream was fascinated. "I would love to!" George smiled, happy Dream was getting more comfortable with him and Karl, and it's only been a day

George's mother is working, so that's good. George wen to look in the freezer to see if they had any frozen fish, but they were out

"Dream, what is your favorite food?" George asks as he goes to his room. The merman presses his face on the glass and then thinks

"I like clams, mussels, and oysters. They're the perfect meal because they have small amount of food inside, and to see if I can get a chance to find a pearl," Dream was excited for the last part

"I'll be back," George says as he goes outside. He goes to the beach and searches for any clams nearby, but it seemed like he needed to go for a swim

He put his goggles on and dove into the water. He found some clams buried and took what he could find

Once he got at least a few clams, he ran back home. He placed a small bowl of water and went upstairs

"Here," he says as he places down 5 clams, "It's all I could find." Dream smiled as he noticed the white bowl of shallow water

"It's so that you can eat peacefully," George said as he dips his hand into the tank. He carefully wraps his fingers around Dream's body and pulls him out gently

Dream just looks at him as George places him down into the bowl. He handed Dream a clam and the merman used his tail to open it

The Little Beacon (GT DNF Merman AU)Where stories live. Discover now