Ch 6 - To Plan A Gift

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"MORNING, GEORGE!" Karl yelled as the brunette groaned and placed a pillow over his head and tried going back to sleep

"Dude! Your birthday is coming in exactly 22 hours from now! You need to come with me!" Karl said as he jumped on the bed, making George groan and throw the pillow at his friend

"Fine! I'm up!" he said as he stretched and went to the bathroom. He made cereal and Karl was jumping like a child on Christmas

Karl: So, what do you want for your birthday?

George: I don't know

Karl: Come on! There has to be something you want!

George: Nothing

Karl: WHAT?!?!

Karl was frozen and George waved his hand close to his face. Nothing. He clapped his hands, making Karl shake his head and come back to reality

"HOW COULD YOU NOT WANT ANYTHING FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY?!" Karl said. He seemed more excited about George's birthday than him

"I just wished my dad could visit me, that's all," George said as Karl stayed silent. He has heard about George's father

A great fisherman, who had rare catches and even managed to catch a giant sea bass. He rarely comes home due to people stopping him to interview him or he had to teach them to catch rare fish

"He cares more about fish than me," George said as he walked out, holding his board and went into the ocean, paddling towards the deep

He sat on his board and stared at the edge of the sea. He sighed as he heard water splashing and noticed Karl on his board and was next to George

"How about a pet fish? I mean, it'd be a good companion, second companion!" Karl said as George sighed, "I doubt Misty would be ok with that."

Karl: Look, you just have to get over it!

George: Why?

Karl: If your father is not coming back, then screw him! Right?

George: You're right

Karl: Just have fun! You're turning 19! I can't wait!

George: You're right! Let's surf!


They surfed through the calm waves. They even managed to find bigger waves in this calm summer afternoon

After their surf, they ran home to change into shorts and a shirt. They walked in the boardwalk as people were in the beach, and it was full!

"Come! Let's eat here!" Karl said as he pointed at the restaurant named "Bob's Fish Grill". "I'm not in the mood for fish," George said as Karl laughed, "Not there! There!"

George noticed it was an Italian restaurant. "How about some pizzas and paninis? The food's on me!" Karl said as both boys rushed in the restaurant

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