Ch 9 - Confused, Yet Surprised

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The morning woke Dream up. He felt warm air and he yawned. He looked to see he was not in the coral inside the cage. He was out

He noticed he was inside some white glass bowl, and it wasn't transparent. He tried climbing out, but he slid down as he noticed he had water, but up to his tail

Dream was glad the humans kept his tail wet, but he was in a new cage. Two pairs of eyes looked down at him as he shivered in fear, seeing he had no way to hide

"Poor him," George said as the merman tried dragging himself out. "No! You're going to hurt yourself," George said softly, happy that the merman obeyed

He was shivering like crazy, for he and Karl could tell by the small ripple waves in the shallow water caused by the merman

"I thought merpeople are normal sized like us," Karl said as he noticed the merman was quite uncomfortable with them staring

George: They are, but why is this one small?

Karl: I don't know, but he looks so cute!

George: He does, I will admit

Karl: Does he have a name? Or can we name him?

George: I think he has a name

Karl: Let me guess...

George: Just ask him

Karl: Is it Poseidon?

George: He doesn't even look like a Poseidon! Heck, he doesn't have a trident!

Karl: He is handsome!

George noticed the merman seemed to stop shivering. He could still tell he was shaking due to the ripples, but it wasn't as much as before

"What's your name?" George asked softly. The merman was breathing rapidly, and finally, it spoke, "My n-name is D-D-Dream."

Karl awed at his voice, for it sounded like a terrified little kid, but as for George, he felt his cheeks hot and shook his head

"Dream? What a beautiful name. I'm George, and this is Karl," George introduced as the merman bowed without taking his small emerald eyes off of them

"I am h-h-here for t-t-t-the prophesy," Dream stuttered, making George surprised, "What prophesy? Is it for me?"

Dream's chest and tail glowed brightly. He nodded slowly and George figured he may be important, too important

He wanted to test something. He extended his arm as the merman shivered again rapidly. The merman looked up and then at the hand coming close

He whimpered in fear, making George retract his hand and turned away, blushing furiously at his adorableness

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