Ch 7 - Aquarium Home

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Dream woke up, feeling water around him. Is he back home? Into the ocean? He stood up and heard gasps

He turned to see different types of fish. They're colorful, but none smelled like the ocean, rather clean and less fish smell

"Who are you?" one asked as Dream curled his tail to the side, "I am Dream. At my home, I am known as The Beacon."

"Never heard of you," one of the fish said as Dream was shocked. Every fish knows him! Everyone knows him! (except humans, of course)

"HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM?!" Dream growled as magic circled around him, but stopped and slumped down as he felt pain sting his body

He whimpered and lied down on his side as he used the fake seaweed to cover his wounds, but they were useless

"Should we help him?" a fish asked as they watched the merman curling into a ball. He felt tears wanting to come out, but doesn't want the strangers to know

He felt something soft and noticed they handed him his blanket given from the frozen seas kingdom

He covered himself and stayed facing the clear wall. He could see humans walking around. They were giants to him, like the merfolk, but scarier and more dangerous

He hid in the coral with holes and peeked to see human children looking at the glass cages. "Don't be scared! They won't harm us!" a fish said as they swam around to get their attention

Dream was hyperventilating, "NO! Don't let them see you!" The merman was panicking and noticed them tapping on their cage, making Dream cover his ears

The fish were terrified, but Dream heard a ring that may or can burst his eardrums. He uncovered them and noticed more humans looking around

"Why are you terrified of humans? They won't harm you!" a fish said as Dream hissed, "THEY WON'T HARM YOU?! I'm sorry! But I am not from here!"

"Then, where do you live?" another asked as Dream sighed, "The ocean." The fish swam away from him and Dream was confused

"THE OCEAN?!?! They're full of trash! Gunk, glass, cans, oil, tin foil! HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" they asked as Dream was surprised by them

"I live in the farthest area of the ocean. I live in the warm climates and I'm not used to the cold. The fish are nice there," Dream said as one of them smelled him and gagged

"You need a wash!" the fish said as the others agreed. He made a bubble around his hidden area, preventing them from touching him

He felt his chest warm up and he noticed a lime light glowing. "Not now!" he whispered, trying to hide the light as humans haven't noticed, so good news, also, it was a dull light

"Hey, Jake!" a young male greeted as he and the human who seems to be in charge of the place waved and they knew each other

"What would you like, Karl?" the human asks as the human named Karl had a piece of paper and read, "I want some angelfish, small koi fish, and neon tetras! It's for George! Today's his birthday, and I promised him a tank with these."

"Sure thing! Which tank?" the man asks. Karl walks around and looks at each aquarium. "How about this one? It seems big and a good size, right?" he says, pointing at the one Dream is currently in

"Sure! And I'll let you take in those other fish. Don't worry for the payment on them and the small koi. I got you covered," the man winked and Karl only paid for the food, the rest of the fish, and some little decorations

He took the tank, which was still filled with water, and carefully walked towards George's house. "Ms. Davidson, I got his gift!" Karl said as Dream heard another human coming to help

Both placed the tank inside George's room and sighed. They walked away and Dream swam out of his hiding place

"Oh! What are you?" the fish that just came in asked as Dream rubbed his arm softly, "I'm Dream, and I live in the ocean."

Like the other fish, they backed away from him. Just because he lives in the ocean and smells more natural than them is why they were staying away from him

As the hour passed by, Dream heard a celebration. They were saying "Happy Birthday" to someone and he kept listening to their celebration

He heard him ripping paper and shivered, thinking he was doing something else. Once done, he heard him speak

"Is dad coming?" the new human asks as Dream heard silence. "Of course. He won't come," the same human voice said and walked upstairs

Dream hid in the coral home and peeked to see the new human. He had a nice face feature, and the merman stared at the human as he sighed and cried

The merman wanted to help the human, but he was too scared. Instead, he stayed in his coral and heard him move to look at the glass cage

"Oh my god! Thanks Karl!" he gushed, making Dream blush at seeing how he became happy and loved the new gift

"He doesn't seem so bad," Dream whispered and watched the human leave. Dream felt his chest warm up and glow bright. He panicked and hid in the dark

He felt the glow become stronger and looked to see the same human who was sad. The prophesy of the surface is from him

Dream looked around, but there was no Hall and no painting. Just a room. A small room for 1, with a bed, some cabinets, and weird human gadgets

As night fell, the human walked up to the cage and smiled. Dream loved his smile! It was a contagious one, for the Beacon smiled as well without knowing

"Hey there!" the human said happily, making Dream think he was found, but false alarm. "I want to let you all know that my name is George, and I will be your new owner! I hope you can keep me good company, like Misty!"

He showed the fish his cat, making Dream tremble. The fish also trembled as the cat just yawned and walked away from the human

"Feline?! Felines are bad news! They love fish! They eat us!" an angelfish said, making Dream worried as he turned his gaze back at George, who went to bed and closed his eyes

The merman smiled, happy to be taken here, but also, this human is the one who's in some prophesy, but of all, why him?

The Little Beacon (GT DNF Merman AU)Where stories live. Discover now