Ch 5 - Chaos In The Sea

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Dream woke up and noticed fish swimming around peacefully. He stood up and felt his tail hurting like crazy

He took off the cloth, seeing it soaked up the blood and noticed a missing scale. He felt a strong source of energy and it healed his tail, giving him his scale back

"I'm healed!" he exclaimed and swam like new. He was out of his area and swam around as the fish played with him

He was unaware he was getting close to the dark depths. The fish squeaked and swam away. Dream noticed he was alone, but heard evil laughter

Mersharks, they're like merfolk, but with a tail of a shark, strength, teeth, speed, and head if any. They are the thieves in the sea. They hide in the dark, but they use it to their advantage

"Well! Guess who we have here!" one said as he chuckled. Dream shivered in fear as he backed up, but felt another mershark behind and went to the center

A third mershark snarled as they circled around him. "Nice to meet you, little Beacon! I'm Tiger, the one who's night blue in color is Cyclone, and lastly, Hammer. We've been waiting for a long time for your arrival!"

Tiger is a tiger shark, Cyclone is a blue shark, and Hammer is a hammerhead shark. They circled the Beacon as he shivered in fear, looking for a way to escape

"If you think you can escape us, think again. Leave this circle and we're going to have to kill you!" Tiger hissed as Dream yelped

He stayed in the center and looked down. The mersharks' tails were not covering, but even if he manages to escape, his tail glows. He's an easy target in the dark

He dove down and swam up as fast as he could. "Get him!" Tiger screamed as the 3 followed Dream. The Beacon found a thin tunnel and swam through

Hammer slammed his head and shook it. He then used his head and sliced the hole, making it bigger as Dream swam out through the other side

He noticed schools swimming peacefully and he darted towards them. "Please! Help me!" he pleaded as the fish heard growls and grunts

"Mersharks!" Dream yelled as the fish screamed. They all looked as one of them led Dream towards the sand, where they buried as deep as they could

Dream grabbed handfuls of sand and dug as quickly as possible. He heard the rocks sliding and colliding as Dream finally coated himself with sand and was hidden inside

"WHERE IS HE?!?!" The mersharks growled as they looked around for the Beacon. Dream was holding his breath due to the sand 

He heard water swishing as he could imagine they were swimming around, looking for him through the corals and seaweed

"WHAT IS THAT?!?!" Cyclone yelled as the mersharks swam away in fear. Dream sighed as he heard the fish underneath had gotten back to the water, but swimming away

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