Ch 14 - Beacon & A Dragon

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Dream followed Sapnap as the merman prince cupped his hands. Dream noticed this and slowly swam his way to the hands

He sat down, curling his tail to the side as Sapnap used his finger to lift the Beacon's head. His green emerald eyes had tears as Sapnap smiles, "I promise, we will be back with George."

Dream rubs his tears as he nods and swims along with Sapnap as both mermen find an abandoned ship

They slowly enter the ship as Dream felt a strong aura surrounding his body. He shivered and gasped when he noticed a long tail slithering, then he noticed a giant dragon with long whiskers as it bowed to them

"Prince, you have brought me the Beacon. He is beautiful, like usual, but different than the others, of course, but he's the first Beacon to look...well built."

Dream blushed as Sapnap laughs, "Makara, meet Dream. Dream, Makara." Makara bowed his head as Dream swam up to see his slit eye, shining beautifully in the dark ship

"Is it ok for me to draw you?" Makara asks as Dream nods. He swims onto a small rock and sits with his tail to the side, making the dragon gasp at his natural beauty

"Stay still. It's only take a few seconds," Makara said as he began to draw, trying to be quick and precise as he looked at Dream's detail

"There," he said as he showed the drawing to Dream. It was an exact copy of him. He smiled as he hugged the dragon's claw

"Thank you," Dream said, but felt his chest glowing as the lime green light brightened the ship. "I told Prince Sapnap that I had a prophesy."

Makara swam around Dream as the tiny merman shivered. He noticed an art on the stone behind the sea dragon

It showed a Beacon, holding something bright and handing it to the dragon. "My prophesy changes for every Beacon that comes to visit me. Yours says that you will give me the Camo Stone, to help me hide from your kind."

Dream: Where will I get it?

Makara: It says you will find it in the dark waters. The Shark Trench

Dream: Why must it be there?

Makara: I tried going there myself, but a barrier always stopped me from going. You have to be there

Dream: I see

Sapnap: I can come along if you want

Makara: That would be very kind of you

Dream: The Shark Trench, and it's at the bottom?

Makara: It is, my Beacon. Only you'll be able to spot the orb. The prince and I will handle the mersharks to keep you safe and hopefully, no one will disturb you

Sapnap: But aren't you trying to stay hidden?

Makara: I am, but they'll think it is someone else, for I will call for help

Dream: What kind of help?

Makara: Sea monster kind of help, but only if anything goes wrong

The Little Beacon (GT DNF Merman AU)Where stories live. Discover now