Ch 30 - Summer Over

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Their summer was coming to an end. George and Karl were going back to school and the day of their first day was coming

"Seniors at last," Karl said as George nodded. They had bought school supplies for their final school year as George groans

George: High school sucks

Karl: I know we're going back, but at least we had a great summer

George: But what about Dream? And Sapnap?

Karl: I wished they could come, but you know it's dangerous for them to register

George: Even for us!

Karl: I suggest we take off our necklaces to be more careful, but I can't take mine off!

George: It's too precious

Karl: I wish they could come with us

George: We'll need a miracle

Karl: At least Dream got the hang of walking

George: We also need a more normal name for them

Karl: I gave Sapnap his

George: What do you mean?

Karl: I gave him "Nick" because I gave him a mini nick on his ear

George: YOU BIT IT OFF?!

Karl: It's not even visible!

George: What can I call Dream?

Karl: Ask him

As they arrived home, Sapnap and Dream were waiting for them as Elena had some clothes, backpacks, school supplies, and papers

"Mom? What's with all this? It's just me and Karl," George says, but Dream and Sapnap had a smirk on their face as they looked at the humans, then at each other

Elena: George, Karl, they had a request

George: To make you waste money?

Dream: We're actually...

Sapnap: Going to this "school" that you two are going

Karl and George squeal as they hug their friends. Karl gives Sapnap a kiss as Dream does it to George

"We wanted to learn more of the ways of the surface," Sapnap says as Dream nods rapidly. "All I can say is that high school can be a pain in the ass," George says as Sapnap and Dream tilt their heads to the side

They talk about how there are groups, the girls, bullies, and they even mentioned a few good sides to being in school, like food fights, parties, secret areas, and doing things and not get caught by the teachers

"School sounds like fun!" Dream claps his hands as Sapnap shakes his head, "Sounds good, but I don't like the part of the human girls."

George and Karl laugh as Dream and Sapnap joined in. "Karl said he gave you a name, Sapnap. A normal one to make it less suspicious," George says as Sapnap nods

"I like Nick. And also for -" "I know," George interrupts as he looks at Dream's emerald eyes, "What name can I give you?"

Dream smiles, " I like the way the word 'clay' sounds like." George blushes, unexpected by his choice and speaks softly, "Clay. I like it."

"Get a room!" Sapnap says as Karl laughs. The couples look at each other as they had snacks, still worried about school

"School doesn't sound that bad," Dream says as George just says, "Oh it is, and trust me, you're not going to like it."


And yes, if you want a sequel, let me finish the other stories

I am behind, and so much has been going on

I will be entering the navy if I pass, but sadly, I may be inactive for months

I will try to stay tuned, but I am also trying to finish them as quick as possible, but due to keeping this a secret, it's harder than what you think

I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll try to update if I have the time

Thanks so much again and I'll see you all in the next adventure!!

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