Ch 10 - Missing Beacon Of Light

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Sapnap sighed as he stared into the ocean from his window. He wished the Beacon could visit anytime soon, but he hasn't

"Maybe he's doing the other prophesies," he sighed as he swam around in the castle. Many of the merfolk in the castle were talking about him, some rumors

"I heard he can swim faster than a sailfish!"

"His voice can attract all of us! Including sirens and humans!"

"The Beacon is foretold that he has the strength of the fallen merpeople!"

Sapnap just sighed as he heard the facts and myths of the Beacon. To be honest, in the stories that his parents said, none mentioned the Beacon having fun

Has every Beacon been doing this for years? Are they bored of it? Do they wish they could live normal like him? With less royalty?

Dream had told him and cried to Sapnap. The prince sighed as he swam to his room, lying on his giant clam bed with soft moss as his blanket

He looked out, seeing some weird shark-like merpeople. "MERSHARKS!" Sapnap yelled as the guards instantly went out and they pointed at the mersharks

They are enemies to all, but legends say that the mersharks are in different groups, meaning not all are bad nor thieves like these

"Please! Spare us! We're just passing by!" the tiger mershark pleaded as the other ones also begged. "What is your reason to pass here? Is it to steal?!" a guard asked, and the others agreed

"No! We're here to...just pass," the blue mershark said as they tried to pass, but Sapnap can detect a lie

"Hold it! You're hiding something," Sapnap says. The mersharks broke as the tiger one spoke, "We're sorry! We just wanted the Beacon! His scales and tail so beautiful!"

They covered his mouth. Sapnap felt anger bubbling at the mention of Dream. "Where is he?" the prince asks as they bowed in fear to him

"We didn't mean it! I'm Tiger! That's Cyclone, and Hammer! Now please let us leave!" Tiger pleaded as Sapnap grabbed Tiger's tail fin

"Not until you tell me where he is!" Sapnap growled as the 3 of them spilled their story

Tiger: We planned to kill him

Sapnap: YOU WHAT?!

Cyclone: And he escaped, of course!

Sapnap: Thank Poseidon!

Hammer: And well, he was caught in human junk


Tiger: What we're trying to say is, probably the humans who collected the junk has him

The guards gasped as Sapnap slumped down to the sea floor. He remembered Dream mentioning that a human was calling to him, because he glowed, and he only glows when near the one for their prophesy

Sapnap swam away as the guards were talking with the mersharks. If he wants to find Dream before them, he must go now, or the human may be in danger, along with Dream

The prince quickly gathered a small bag and placed some items inside. He packed his shark tooth blade, some rope, maps of the oceans, an ancient picture of the Beacon, and some clams, for they are Dream's favorite because of the amount of food

He swam away in search for the Beacon. "Dream?" he called as he swam throughout the sunny parts of the ocean, Dream's favorite climate

No sign. He wished he had the ability to talk to animals, but he doesn't. Fish waved at him as he noticed they were trying to get his attention

He swam to them, and they pointed at the small field of seaweed. He sniffed the area, smelling a familiar scent. It was Dream's

"He sleeps here?" he asks as the fish nodded. He smelled a small trail and followed it, for it went in circles and down into the dark depths, where he caught a slight scent from the mersharks

"They weren't lying," he said as he was relieved they told the truth. He followed the scent and smelled something strange

It was mixed with Dream's scent, but faded when Sapnap swam forward 2 feet. "I lost it!" he said, but remembered Tiger saying the humans were collecting the junk

Sure enough, there was very little leftover junk and he followed a trail that showed the sand making a mini trench

He followed it for miles. He stopped to get food as he hunted for cod or salmon. He ate the meal and continued his journey

"How long did they go?" Sapnap said to himself and noticed the trail stopped. "No! No!" he said as he looked around, seeing no trace nor scent of Dream's

He fell onto the sand and cried. For the first time, he managed to talk with the Beacon in person, was trusted by him, and also touched him

Princes are not allowed to touch the Beacon. Only the kings and queens, but Dream gave him permission, which is why he is valuable to Sapnap

"Oh Dream! I failed! Where are you?" he sobbed. He wanted a sign. Anything. All he wants is to find Dream

He swam towards an abandoned ship and gasped as he felt the water become cold. He swam close to the wrecked ship and screamed when wood fell from the broken ship

"Alright! Nothing to be scared! Just a human, wrecked ship!" he said nervously. He slowly went inside to see if he could get any clues of anything

He found some chests. He tried opening them, but they had an old lock. He took out his blade and jiggled the inside to the lock

He heard a click and took off the heavy lock. He opened the chest and noticed old papers, some journals, and weird human objects

"Boring," Sapnap said as he closed the chest, but a paper slipped out. He grabbed it to see what it was, and it shocked him

This paper showed a drawing of a Beacon. The first Beacon to ever appear! He checked the chest again, seeing more drawings of each Beacon that existed

They were also numbered, indicating which Beacon came first. He found the last paper, but it showed the drawing of the last Beacon millions of years ago, not Dream

"Seems like Dream hasn't come here," Sapnap whispered and looked through the journals. He hates reading and educational stuff, but if this how he can find Dream, then let's hope one of them can give him an answer

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