Ch 20 - Fishnapped

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Dream woke up, seeing he was in a new tank. It was smaller than George's fish tank, and it was in a cube

"Hmm?" He rubs his eyes, looking around. He gasps. This is way to new for him. The environment was darker

He could see small windows, and they were square, not like a giant square. He heard footsteps coming from behind

He looked up, seeing a new giant being. He shivered in fear, knowing he had no place to hide, and he won't even try to curl into a ball

"Did George know you were in there?" the new human asked. It hit Dream. This human may be his father

"N-N-No?" he lies, not wanting to make the father suspect his son knows. Dream shivered violently

"No! No! No! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" the human panicked, looking around as he handed the merman a clam

Dream's eyes widened. His favorite meal, but he didn't want to take it from him. He just looked into the human's milk brown eyes, similar to George's

So this is how he got those eyes, Dream thought, noticing he was looking in too deep and broke eye contact, shaking his head

"No? What do you eat?" he asks. His voice softly and calm. Dream just wanted to be out of this cage. He feared more humans might see him

Laughter was heard, making Dream jump and swim frantically. "Shh! Shh!" The human shushed, grabbing the cube container and hiding it under the desk

"Captain Rowan! We're near mermaid territory!" A man yelled. Dream panicked, thinking one of the kingdoms has been found

Rowan, Dream said his name in his head. He liked it, but it was him who took him away from his George

Dream noticed there was no lock, no door, just transparent walls. He pushed every single wall, noticing none moved

He slumped down. He felt the bottom one move a little. He even noticed his cage was losing water, and slowly

He used his tail to smack the bottom tile, making more water spill. He banged to the side, making the cube tilt as it tumbled

He slammed until the bottom tile was now at the top. He lost half of his water from his cage, but he didn't care

All Dream wanted is freedom. He jumped, slapped the top with his tail and it came off. He jumped out, slamming onto the wooden floor

He winced and used the water from the tank to surround himself with it. He created a bubble filled with water and lifted himself using the bubble

Dream was flying! In a way. He controlled the bubble as he moved it near the exit of the room. He heard the men talking and he was hoping all of them were not looking

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