Ch 15 - Life In The Sea

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George and Karl wore the jewelry as they noticed nothing happed. "Is something supposed to happen?" Karl asks as he looks at his pastel colored shell charm

"Oh yeah! You need to come with us into the water!" Dream says as George tells them to wait. He calls his mom and lets her know he was staying with Karl

Once done, Sapnap jumps in as his legs turned into a tail. Karl went in as well, and pastel magic swirled around him as he smiled, seeing his legs transforming

Even his looks changed. He had pastel colored nails, his tail purple with a green line on the sides, a swirl on his back, his hair looked fluffier and had gems on his face, pastel in colors of pink, purple, green, and white

George gasped as Karl looked completely different. George splashed into the ocean. Fish came all of a sudden as Dream noticed he was transforming

Once done, Dream was blushing. George also had fluffier hair, his tail in royal blue in color, he had transparent light blue fins, his skin a bit darker than before, and he had blue stripes on his chest and back

He smiled, but also noticed George's eyes had changed from brown to icy blue, and Karl's eyes changed from clear to purple with the green swirl

"Amazing!" Karl said as he twirled, loving his new look. George also loved it and noticed Dream looking away

"You don't like it?" George asks, teasing Dream as the Beacon squealed, "You're perfect." The blue merman cupped his hands and brought Dream to his bare chest

Dream turned red as he looked up at George's eyes. "Good thing no one will know the real you," Dream said as the new mermen nodded

Dream led them away from the surface as they followed Sapnap and the Beacon. The water felt warm and cold at the same time

George and Karl noticed a ton of fish surrounding them as they all looked at Dream. The Beacon bowed as the fish swam away, letting them know he has been returned

The first merpeople he met was Sapnap's kingdom. The queen and king bowed as Dream smiled nervously and signaled for them to look up

"We thought you were taken! We even have the mersharks in prison!" the king said as Sapnap gasped, forgetting to tell Dream about them

"May I see them?" Dream asks as they all bowed. "Beacon, if I may ask, who are these mermen? I don't remember seeing them around these waters," the queen says as she looks at George and Karl

Both new mermen shivered nervously as Dream smiled, "They are my friends. I met them as I returned to the waters. Sapnap thought they were dangerous."

Sapnap nodded, agreeing to Dream, also letting his parents know he was telling the truth, but both feared they would find out that they're humans

The 4 swam to the cages and found 4 separate cages. Each mershark was turning to see Dream and they screamed in fear

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