Chapter 31

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"...Excuse me?"

He looked away "I mean I'm apart of the hero commission aren't I? I'm hero after all and you seem to trust me- well seemed to" "what is that supposed to mean?" The words sounded like venom and yet he didn't flinch

I turned to him "you are clearly mistaken if you think I don't trust you I completely do it's the rest of the world I don't trust" I asked for a drink and kurogiri prepared it "yeah and? You seem to trust villains-" "-because they exist outside of the public eye and that's what I need I don't need this to be all over the news because no matter how hard you try if multiple heros are involved at once then the public is going to notice" kurogiri gave me my drink and I downed it

"It's part of the job like you said we can't help it even if we could" I leaned into the counter more "and that's the problem" I circled the glass letting the liquid and ice move around "if you think about it the heros are constantly in the spotlight no matter what they do they could just be walking down the street or saving a cat from a tree and the press is all over them" I took another small sip from my glass

"I don't need that attention it's already bad enough my sister and brother made that mistake" nether of us said anything for a while "well it won't hurt to ask for help from people who have more options" I glanced over to him and nodded "I guess but right now...cassidy had her house torn to shreds they probably already figured out where the portal was and keep trying to get to it" the fear I felt was nothing compared to my anger

"We should move the portal" "is that even possible!?" I stood up "it is but if we do this we will need a safer place to put it somewhere only we know" I opened my bag and dug around in it "I managed to get a few books from the wreckage maybe they could be of use to us" pulling out a few large books and setting them on the table "okay, dabi do you remember how to read my language?" He nodded "yeah a little bit anyway I tried refreshing my memory on it while we were in tatara" I nodded to him "good"

I pulled out a few other items like glass bottles and other herbs and stuff "hey kurogiri do you have a room I can borrow? I just need it to be separate from everyone else" he nodded "this way" I asked if anyone could help carry my things to said room and compress offered to use his quirk to help carry the bigger things which was helpful

It took an hour or so before I had my reserved room set in place, shigaraki and I talked about what I needed to do in here regarding my situation and alchemy most of our conversations were held privately behind closed doors "tell me do your little magic spell books do any good here?" I looked at my bookshelf that had yet to be filled "they should i haven't been able to do anything like this in a while but I'm sure there will be no problem shigaraki" he nodded "fine don't blow my lair up" "okay sure" I asked touya to come in so he could help with translating a few texts

Keigo needed to be at his agency most of the time to make sure no one catches onto us

*Boom* " *cough cough* what the hell? Did you read it right?" "Yes" "then why did it blow up!?" "I don't- oh it said four not five" I smack him and then I hear a knock "what do you want!?" Keigo walked in "oh hi love!" He didn't respond but only handed me a note with a upsetting look on his face "whats...this..?" It was written in shae'kath

' we found you '

I felt confused but terrified, it had been three days since we closed the portal and removed it from Cassie's house. So how? How is this here? "Kei where did you find this?" "It was a personal note sent to my office earlier today I recognized the language writing but I don't know what it says" I looked at dabi who also knew what it said since his favorite thing to do in Tatara was study our languages "it says ' we found you ' " I burned it

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