Chapter 55

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We woke up slightly before dawn and packed up our wagons and arranged a reasonable sized army. All evening yesterday and all morning today august bashed sword fighting into my body and we kept training until I defeated august at least five times and everytime I lost we restarted my streak

By the time the birds started to sing and the sun had started to rise august was on the ground with my blade at his throat both of us panting heavily "ha...hah...ha..five...I win" he grinned at me proud and acceptably "very well good job lady phoenix" I blinked and it wasn't until a strand of hair fell in my face only to ignite and flow upwards did I see my hair have flames flowing, not upwards like regular flames most of my hair was still very much hair but the tips were bright orange flames

I smiled and made them fade as I drew back my sword helping him stand "hey you good at cutting hair?" He looked at me questioning until I held up the now lose hair that once was in a braid that also happened to reach well past my waist

Not long after I meet Keigo in the meeting room with my siblings my mother my other uncle and aunt, august and I both walk in with me in a full set of armor and sword in hilt my hair in a shorter braid. Keigo stared at me in awe as I walked up to the table to stand next to him "hello Birdy miss me?" He stared until he blinked and suddenly had this mischievous grin on his face "is it back I want to take you back to our bedroom right now?" I lightly brush his feathers while running a finger up his throat

"Focus Birdy we still have a job to do~" his wings shivered and he let out a trill kind of noise before calming down "fine..if you insist" we both turn back to the map on the table all of us suited up from head to toe "alright everyone today is the way we prepared for since this begun we all know her motive is to get rid of kanni regardless of what the king has told her in the past now that his whereabouts are unknown and we haven't heard much from the Dwarven kingdom....unfortunately we must assume the worst" "wait you don't mean..." Ishera nodded "yes he is correct we must assume the worst and that he was ether taken control of or...he's dead" everyone went silent

I shake my head and draw my finger along the borders of the coastal domain "so as far as we know kaiya hasn't taken over the costal domain because of its constant heat and if she did only half of her power would be of use but she likes to remain at full strength so she avoids warmer climates" "but it still doesn't make sense if she didn't want the throne why attack all of tatara?-"


We all drew our weapons as we turned around and saw a man in the doorway "It's not tatara she wants..." We all froze as the man looks up with barely any strength "It's..what's in tatara...she wants" "...uncle reiner?"

He sat down in a chair as servants ran left and right to make sure he was well and that he had food to eat and water to drink. The state he was in looked like he was bound to drop dead any moment which is close to impossible for someone like him "reiner where have you been!? Is saerys, cassidy and kamani alright?" My mother rushed to his side worried sick "vivica...I have much to say and not a lot of time-" I kneeled down in front of him "reiner you said there's something in tatara that kaiya wants what is it?" He looked shocked for a moment then Shaked his head

"So...she was correct you do remember" hearing that only made me more worried "ishera...come clean..about your mother's close friend" we all turned to ishera who looked pale "ishera?" She sighed and sat down "I will tell you briefly we don't have much time before you all need to leave" we were all silent as we waited for her to speak

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