Chapter 48

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A week passed and three days passed with no change in kanni's condition.

Kaiya having heard of kanni's state took advantage of the situation and unleashed multiple attacks on the capital as well as the human domain, costal domain and has attempted an attack on the elven domain multiple times with them just barely able to push her back each time

Kamini and Saerys work to keep her from freezing the capital but with the amount of citizens kaiya has manipulated and brain washed many have died and more injured...Including king brazili who's state is unknown. Cassidy, Dabi or Keigo have not been heard from since the birth of Keigo and Kanni's offspring

"Come on I suppose you don't really think that's fair kei"
"Of course it is! Come on one game?"
"Heh heh I can never say no to a sweet Birdy like you mmn~?"
"No faaiiir you cheated!"
"How should I know!? Did you use your feathers again?"
"Ahaha! You're such a sore loser kei"
"Am not!"
"Hmm I love you"
"I love you too my lil firebird"
"So much so you'll honor the deal and buy dinner~?"


No one's Pov*


"Hhmn? Ugh.." keigo sat up and rubbed his eyes it was one of the few times he actually slept in the entirety of the week even though it was himself crying until he passed out "tch what the hell is going on!?" She got up and stormed to the curtain and snatched it open "WHAT THE HELL- what the hell..?" A spark of electricity was circling in the sky, keigo went back in and got something warm to wear along with kanni's sword from her armor set

He stormed outside and pushed through the crowed standing next to Vivica and August "what's going on?" "We're not sure" he looked to august "What do you mean 'not sure'!? For all we know whoever is trying to get to kanni is probably doing something here Infront of us!!" He pointed his sword at the electric orb in the sky  "calm yourself guardian we don't act until we know exactly what this is capable of" august drew back his sword and walked away

"What!? Where I come from we don't sit around on our ass and wait for something to happen!!" Vivica placed her hand on keigo's shoulder "keigo..try not to overreact we have alita trying to figure out what that is as we speak so we're not just sitting on our asses" she gave him a soft reassuring smile "you should go nicole and alexir are asking for you back in the meeting cabin" she walked back to kanni's hut while keigo sighed and hesitantly walked to the cabin

He walked across the village to the biggest building and walked in, he absentmindedly walked to the planing room "hey look it's keigo! Alexir he's here" "hm? Ah he is hello keigo it's been sometime" keigo nodded and set the sword on the table before slouching on a chair messy long hair falling in his face "hey your mom said you needed me?" Nicole and alexir looked at each other concerned "uh yeah but are you okay? You look bad" "nicole no need to sugarcoat he looks like he hasn't cleaned up in days" Nicole hastily turned to his twin brother

"ALEXIR!! You can't just say stuff like that!!" "Why not?" "ITS RUDE!! HAVE SOME SENSE!! HIS GIRLFRIEND IS IN A COMA" "his girlfriend is our sister" "DOESN'T MATTER DO NOT BE RUDE!!" The two went back and forth for a while and Keigo just sat there looking at his now overgrown hair and noticed he hasn't shaved in a while ether "eh it's fine he's right I look like shit..damn..kanni would probably lecture me about taking care of myself...she always used to do that" the twins glanced at each other and Nicole sighed

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