Chapter 83: Team Sea Men

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Me and the rest of team CREN were sitting in Glynda's class bored our of our minds. Same old day in day out, watch some people spar, lose to Pyrrha, the usual. There was really no need to pay attention for this class. Besides, it's kinda hard to focus when the half the students look at you every 5 seconds. Hell, I don't think Jaune's ever broken line of sight with me since our last misadventure. This should be a little after Volume 2 starts. But unless some important characters are--

Glynda: Alright class, we have another team from Haven joining us today. Team... How the hell did Leo allow this? ...Ahem, stand up please team Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and Neo.

Like I was saying, unless important characters are introduced, I'm not really gonna care.

Rory: Wait... Team C M E... HA! HAHAHA!

Nathan: What are you laughing at?

Ethan: *snort* CMEN...

Nathan: Huh?

Caleb: Their team name is C M E N... CMEN.

Nathan: Oh! *snicker*

Cinder: Since you four seem content to laugh at our name, perhaps you'd like to fight in a team match.

CREN: Pffft, Hahahaha!

Soon, most of the other students started laughing, even Cardin.

Gylnda: Ahem... Now now class. It's their first day. Caleb, I'm guessing you're not fighting?

Caleb: I really want to, but... I think Ethan can handle it.

Cinder: You think he can take us all on?

Ethan: Uhm... I don't like this idea.

Caleb: Better take the ace opportunity while you can, because later I'M training you guys and you're not gonna feel to good about me kicking you around for an hour straight.

Glynda: Training for the tournament already? Then you wouldn't mind if I "extended" class so we could observe.

Caleb: Ah.

Nathan: I'd rather not get humiliated in front of--

Glynda: Good to hear you're willing to demonstrate what the Vytal Festival Tournament will look like! Everyone, be sure to take notes!

The class has mixed reactions, but mostly positive.

CREN: Ugh...

'Cept for us of course.

Caleb: Still want that ace?

Ethan: Nah, I'd rather not 1v4 only be ganked by a Garen.

Caleb: Huh.

Nathan and Rory laugh, and I think I get the joke, but--

Ethan: I'd just rather not have my confidence built up only to crumble like the North Tower.

Caleb: Then say that! League hurts my brain...

Ethan: Mine too!

Ruby: Uh, what tower crumbled?

Cinder: Are they just ignoring me?!

Cardin: Hey, better than the other option.

Jaune: Dann, even Cardin is telling you.

Cinder: *scoff* I'll have you know--

Nora: Hey, she's pulling a Weiss!

I'll ignore Cinder for now.

Caleb: Alright guys, let's hop down! Yall first. You whine or complain and I'll kick you down there myself.

Without a word, the three of them jumped out of their seats and into the arena.

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