Chapter 8: The Shining Beacon

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So, after having Tai beat my ass, a few weeks of showing off and training, and wondering where Yang is, there is only one day left until we head off to beacon...


(Y/N): I can read your mind you know.

Caleb: Yeah, I hope you like all the negativity I'm thinking about.

(Y/N): Hmph. Well, mister Caleb Daniel.

All of my hate.

(Y/N): You, have been selected to be a Candidate to my throne.

Caleb: Huh?

(Y/N): Of course. You aren't the only one. Why me, you ask? Well that's simple... For shits and giggles.

Caleb: >->

(Y/N): Being the god of the Omniverse isn't an easy job ya know! Hell, I can barely create any clones to help, because there are few story's that actually give me those ability's! It would be very helpful if I had more help with all of this! Wink wink nudge nudge!

Caleb: Ah, I see your a fourth wall breaker as well.

(Author: I'm gonna have one of your heads by the end of this)

(Y/N): Kiss my ass bitch, I'm immortal!

Caleb: DBZA reference?

(Y/N): DBZA reference.


Caleb/(Y/N): Ayyyyyyy.

(Y/N): Back to the matter at hand. I've notice you've been having rather frequent dreams of Ryuko.

Caleb: ... Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe?

(Y/N): So, since this is a long thing to explain. I'll just keep in contact.

Caleb: I don't have a phone.

(Y/N): What kind of 14 year old doesn't have a phone?!

Caleb: This one.

(Y/N): Well, I meant telepathically, anyway. So, you're going to be thrown head first into confusion, and remember, everything you do will effect the future.

Caleb: Wait what the fu--


Caleb: ?????

I'm currently back in RWBY and it seems like I never left. For some reason though I'm on the airship to beacon.

(Y/N): 'Shit's and giggles.... Shit's and giggles.'

Caleb: 'Ah, but of course! For there is no other reason!'

Ruby: Ew, Yang! You've got puke on your shoe!

Caleb: *Arnold voice* Time to get out of here! *snap*


Caleb: Neat. Care to explain?

[Snap (Active) LVL MAX]
Allows you to do anything at the snap of your finger.

Caleb: So I could have cheated all this time... Eh, that's boring.

If you're wondering what the fuck just happened. I teleported using a cheat skill. I walked up to the stage were professor Ozpin was going to give his speech and simply stood by him.

Ozpin: Caleb, I see you've gotten stronger.

Caleb: Eh. So, I know there's another reason you wanted me to come here so early.

People have just started to come in.

Ozpin: Well, I was sort of thinking... With all that knowledge, you'd be able to teach our students a thing or two...

Caleb: In other words you want me to be a teacher. What gave you that bright idea?

(Y/N): 'Shits and giggles!'

Caleb: Oh, god dam-- never mind Oz. So, do I need some sort of alias? Of to how I'm so close to you?

Ozpin: Hmm... We could say that you've saved me before, and have been staying with me as to a lack of parents, and the reason there are no records of you is because you were born outside the kingdoms.

Caleb: Pretty good, for being put in the spotlight.

We waited for everyone to gather. There seemed to be a lot more than the three teams that passed. Does that mean there are more? I don't want to find out either way.

Ozpin: Ahem... 

He say's, gaining everyone's attention and causing the room to go silent. 

Ozpin: I'll keep this brief.

Caleb: Actually, Oz, could I?

Ozpin: Hmm... Okay, but think of it like a test.

I hear people murmur among the crowd.

???: How is he talking so causally to professor Ozpin?

???: He looks a little young to be here...

Ignoring their snarky remarks, I just copy Ozpin's speech, so I don't risk anything with the timeline.

Caleb: You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will only prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

I turned to look at Ozpin.

Caleb: Exactly what you were gonna say right?

Ozpin: ...How?

Caleb: Come on let's go already!

He leads me to to stand back behind Glynda, who directs everyone to the ball room. After everyone's left we step down into the ring.

Ozpin: Alright, Caleb. Let's see what you can really do.

I create one clone.

Caleb: Alright, you're going to use all the fire Style Jutsu I've learned, while I'm going to only use wind style.

The clone nods, and we both get into a fighting stance.

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