Chapter 7: Spooky Map

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The event's played out in this chapter will be based off of Gmod Horror map: Hell on Earth. I do not own anything related to Gmod in any way.


Caleb: Come on. The map is about to begin. Get in the car.

Ruby: O-Okay...

Caleb: Already scared just cause it's dark and the only thing we can see is the road?

Ruby: Well, yeah! Does it not creep you out?

Caleb: Oh believe me, it does.

~Skipping the intro cause I'm lazy and want to do the whole thing with a bunch more people

Welcome to Hell on Earth.

Caleb: You okay, Ruby?

Ruby: Y... Yeah...

Caleb: So let's go into the darkness!

Ruby: Right!


Ruby: Hey where's Crescent Rose?

Caleb: Don't you know? Weapons aren't allowed in most horror maps.

Ruby: O-O-O-Okay....

We open a door, and it leads to a room with a satanic circle on the floor with the baby in the middle.

Caleb: Ruby, stay close. I don't like the looks of this.

She gives me s quick nod. We carefully step around the circle with the baby, towards a door with the number 1 next to it.

Caleb: What's behind door number 1?

I say slowly opening the door. It was what looked like a bed room. There was a radio on a table, with a red light surrounding it,  at the other end of it. We slowly walked towards it-- all of a sudden the beds jumped out of their spot, one after the other in a row, before the lights broke. Honestly scaring the shit out of me.

Ruby: Eeep!!

Caleb: Th-That's not normal...

Suddenly heard weird music playing. We turned to the source and it was the radio.

Ruby: OkayCalebyouwin!Pleasegetusoutofhereit'sreallyscaryandIdon'twanttobehereanymore!

Caleb: Enough said. Escape!

Y o u  c a n  n o t  e s c a p e

My face went pale.

Ruby: C-Caleb? What's wrong?!

Caleb: W-We... We can't escape...

Ruby: Wh-What?!


Suddenly the world around us broke, and we fell on the couch where we started.

Caleb: *huff huff huff* I didn't think *huff* I'd actually *huff* have to let out some *huff* power to escape...

Ruby: I'm just happy we we got out *huff*

Thanks to the gamer's mind I finally calmed down.

Caleb: Okay. If push came to shove, I would have killed every evil thing in sight. I can change the rules of that world to some degree still.

Ruby: Wait... You created the space, but you weren't in complete control of it?

Caleb: I generated the space. Never said I created it.

Ruby: Wait, so then...

Caleb: Try not to think about it to hard. It's simple in explanation, but actually really complicated in practice.

Ruby: Okay...?

I get comfy on the couch and pull the blankets over me. 

Caleb: Well, I'm going to sleep... *yawn* G'night.

Ruby: Goodnight...

I feel something craw under my blankets, and after what just happened, I was ready to get the fuck out of there. I slowly uncovered the blankets to see Ruby, cuddled up close.

Caleb: Um... You're not going to your room?

Ruby: What?! You expect me to sleep alone after that?!

Caleb: Wha-Well...

To be honest, I feel much safer with her around. Normally I would think of covering my self with clones, but I remembered I share their experiences.

Caleb: No... let's just get some sleep...

I pulled the blankets back over us and slowly drifted off. 

~Dream sequence

Caleb: Ugh... Where the fuck am I...

I suddenly see a space ship fly overhead.


A helicopter comes by with a ladder. I see Emmett from the LEGO Movie reaching his hand out to me. 

Emmett: Hop on! No time to explain!

The helicopter starts to move, and I chase after it, climbing up a building before jumping on the ladder. Once we arrived on the ship, we saw Thanos at the cockpit.

Caleb: What the f--


The world suddenly changes to black, and I see I'm suddenly in a movie theater. I see some people that look oddly familiar. I sit down near the top, because some evil person decided to make this movie theater almost completely flat. I mean, I can hardly see the top of the screen because of this lower part of the roof. The movie seemed to be a Kill la Kill movie, with Ryuko with new powers, dawning Senketsu again.

Caleb: Oh, that is bad ass!

Oddly, I look next to me, and Ryuko was there, holding my hand. I start up a friendly chat with the other people standing around us, who happen to also be in the movie. I surprisingly don't fucking question any thing. I was later walking with Ryuko holding her hand.

~Dream end

I woke up, panting heavily.

Caleb: What the fuck was that?! *huff huff huff* 

If I was still in my world, I would pass it off as one of "normal" dreams, but now... I don't know if it's another vision of the future... Yeah, I have visions of the future.


SHUT THE FUCK UP! Important story details! Kinda... Anyways, these precognitive dreams usually tell me, or warn me about thing. months to years before they happen. On rare occasions weeks. I should watch out for something like that.

Tai: Ahem.

I look at Tai, then down at Ruby, then back at Tai.

Caleb: ... I can explain.

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