Chapter 24: Dimensional Mishaps 2

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Caleb: Hmm... Definitely not my Earth...

Venom: Nope.

Kurama: No energy that you're used to here.

Caleb: Well, I can't say I don't know why I'm being dragged here. But if this is an assignment from Yin...

Venom: Yin?

Caleb: Because (Y/n).... Y N

Venom: So a slanted I?

Caleb: Whatever. This place is giving me the creeps... Also, Stranger Things or what?

Venom: Indeed. It is strange.

I see a sudden flash a red lighting. Also since this is a chance to show you what the Upside Down looks like. P.S Author doesn't own the pic. Aka, the pic above.

Caleb: Well, shit. That isn't creepy. Gonna stay away from that.

I decided to fly up into the air, and 300 miles away from that thing.

Venom: Pussy.

Caleb: Eat a dick, you black bastard.

Venom: What was that?!

Caleb: Bite me.

Venom: Hmm... I take that back. What was that thing anyway

Caleb: It's the... Aw shit, I forgot it's name... Ah! The Mind Flayer!

Venom: Sounds gay.

Caleb: You're really straight forward.

Venom: Got a problem?

Caleb: Nah. Hey, Kurama asleep.

Venom: How should I know?

Caleb: Your both attached to me.

Venom: ... Yes.

Caleb: Okay, so how about blow this place the fuck up?

Venom: Sounds fun.

Caleb: Okay, In that case...

I try powering up, but for some reason, can't.

Caleb: What the hell...?

I try powering up a few more times, but when I look at my progress bar... .000000000000001%?! My power level is 350, enough to blow up a planet, but what's going on?!

Glitch detected

Fixing Glitch

Progress 15%




100% complete

Re Scaling...

Notice: You ARE the scale.

I look at my power progress bar, and power up to 5 percent.


Kurma: WHAT THE HELL?! I WAS SLEEPIN-- Holy shit...

Caleb: ... What?

Venom: Well there goes the Planet.

Caleb: Thank you captain obvious. Now let's see... My power level is around, pFFFFT!

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